Commented Issue: CORS doesn't seem to work for me with POST [951]
Hi, I followed the instructions on to setup CORS.When Get requests are issues I see the OPTIONS request, the...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [CORS] Origin comparison should be case-sensitive for simple...
According to CORS spec ( for simple request origin comparison is case sensitive:If the value of the Origin header is not a case-sensitive match for any of...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: [CORS] Request Method comparison in preflight request...
In CORS Spec:If method is not a case-sensitive match for any of the values in list of methods do not set any additional headers and terminate this set of steps.However in CorsEngine.cs:``` if...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: [CORS] If there multiple Access-Control-Request-Headers...
However in the CORS spec:> Let header field-names be the values as result of parsing the Access-Control-Request-Headers headers.Notice that the last word is "headers" indicate it allows multiple...
View ArticleEdited Feature: CORS] Incorrect Access-Control-Request-Method header case...
Send in a CORS preflight request with following header:'''Access-Control-Request-Method:'''The returned status code is 500. This is an client error so the reasonable status is...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [CORS] Request Method comparison in preflight request scenario...
In CORS Spec:If method is not a case-sensitive match for any of the values in list of methods do not set any additional headers and terminate this set of steps.However in CorsEngine.cs:``` if...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [CORS] If there multiple Access-Control-Request-Headers present...
However in the CORS spec:> Let header field-names be the values as result of parsing the Access-Control-Request-Headers headers.Notice that the last word is "headers" indicate it allows multiple...
View ArticleEdited Issue: CORS] Incorrect Access-Control-Request-Method header case 500....
Send in a CORS preflight request with following header:'''Access-Control-Request-Method:'''The returned status code is 500. This is an client error so the reasonable status is...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Global error handler for Web API [1001]
If my Web API application is going to return an internal server error to a client, I want to know about it.I want to set up something like ELMAH to notify me when the problem occurs, and I want full...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Insert statements do not specify columns [1002]
I've been working on bringing the WebSecurity membership tables into Entity Framework, but I run into an issue when my DB is autogenerated by EF while inserting roles. The reason is that EF builds the...
View ArticleEdited Feature: When tracing is turned on, the formatters information...
Instead of the expected "System.Net.Http.Formatter.JsonMediaTypeFormatter", it returns a "System.Web.Http.Tracing.Tracers.JsonMediaTypeFormatterTracer".The wrapper is expected to be ignored.
View ArticleCommented Feature: When tracing is turned on, the formatters information...
Instead of the expected "System.Net.Http.Formatter.JsonMediaTypeFormatter", it returns a "System.Web.Http.Tracing.Tracers.JsonMediaTypeFormatterTracer".The wrapper is expected to be ignored.Comments:...
View ArticleClosed Feature: system.web.helpers.webgrid - add GridPath parameter for links...
The WebGrid class in needs to have a 'GridPath' parameter that would allow an MVC developer to specify an alternative to using the HttpRequest.Path. This is helpful when using the WebGrid inside a...
View ArticleClosed Feature: Razor should throw a specific error when @helper directive is...
When the Razor Host configuration doesn't have the necessary configuration to generate C# code for an @helper directive, it should throw out a specific error indicating that @helper is not supported...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Full reparse when typing C# code before markup [316]
When typing a new C# statement inside a Razor block immediately before embedded markup, the parser immediately considers all text from the start of the new statement to the nearest ";" as code. This...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Full reparse when typing C# code before markup [316]
When typing a new C# statement inside a Razor block immediately before embedded markup, the parser immediately considers all text from the start of the new statement to the nearest ";" as code. This...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Full reparse when typing C# code before markup [316]
When typing a new C# statement inside a Razor block immediately before embedded markup, the parser immediately considers all text from the start of the new statement to the nearest ";" as code. This...
View ArticleClosed Issue: [CORS] Request Method comparison in preflight request scenario...
In CORS Spec:If method is not a case-sensitive match for any of the values in list of methods do not set any additional headers and terminate this set of steps.However in CorsEngine.cs:``` if...
View ArticleClosed Issue: [CORS] Origin comparison should be case-sensitive for simple...
According to CORS spec ( for simple request origin comparison is case sensitive:If the value of the Origin header is not a case-sensitive match for any of...
View ArticleReopened Issue: [CORS] Request Method comparison in preflight request...
In CORS Spec:If method is not a case-sensitive match for any of the values in list of methods do not set any additional headers and terminate this set of steps.However in CorsEngine.cs:``` if...
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