I followed the instructions on http://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=CORS%20support%20for%20ASP.NET%20Web%20API to setup CORS.
When Get requests are issues I see the OPTIONS request, the message handler intervention and once succeeded the corresponding GET request and response.
But when the request is a POST, the OPTIONS returns OK (200) but the required handlers for the browser to issue the second requests are never returned from the server and if fails. The message handler is not being executed and I can't find what is creating the response.
Thank you,
Comments: Hi Lester, I cannot reproduce the issue that you're describing. It would be helpful if you can provide us with a concrete example or attach a simple repro. Thanks, Yao
I followed the instructions on http://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=CORS%20support%20for%20ASP.NET%20Web%20API to setup CORS.
When Get requests are issues I see the OPTIONS request, the message handler intervention and once succeeded the corresponding GET request and response.
But when the request is a POST, the OPTIONS returns OK (200) but the required handlers for the browser to issue the second requests are never returned from the server and if fails. The message handler is not being executed and I can't find what is creating the response.
Thank you,
Comments: Hi Lester, I cannot reproduce the issue that you're describing. It would be helpful if you can provide us with a concrete example or attach a simple repro. Thanks, Yao