Commented Issue: Add support for generating odata urls from razor views. [914]
Context from this SO question, This new helper will require a new dll since...
View ArticleEdited Issue: UpForGrabs:Sequence contains more than one element [557]
Hello there,I installed the latest Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OData contribution and set up my project like proposed in this blog from...
View ArticleEdited Issue: UpForGrabs:Sequence contains more than one element [557]
Hello there,I installed the latest Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OData contribution and set up my project like proposed in this blog from...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Support IServiceProvider Injection for DataAnnotations...
I am not completely sure but at first glance, it seems to me that IServiceProvider for DataAnnotations validations is completely ignored in ASP.NET Web API.Here is a quote from Jeff Handley's blog post...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Provide better error messages when users define invalid...
Example Scenarios:1. User has a inline constraint like 'min(0'. Following is the current error message. Include the information about the controller and action for easy diagnosis._The inline constraint...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Provide better error messages when users define invalid...
Example Scenarios:1. User has a inline constraint like 'min(0'. Following is the current error message. Include the information about the controller and action for easy diagnosis._The inline constraint...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Access to the underlying response in SetDefaultContentHeaders...
I would like to have access to the response in SetDefaultContentHeaders when inheriting the BufferedMediaTypeFormatter. The reason for this is that I might want to set some of the content header values...
View ArticleEdited Issue: HttpWebRoute should override GetRouteData and GetVirtualPath...
There's nothing wrong with HttpWebRoute when you call MapHttpRoute. The scenario I'm talking about is the following:1. You want to customize GetRouteData and GetVirtualPath, so you create a specialized...
View ArticleClosed Issue: HttpWebRoute should override GetRouteData and GetVirtualPath...
There's nothing wrong with HttpWebRoute when you call MapHttpRoute. The scenario I'm talking about is the following:1. You want to customize GetRouteData and GetVirtualPath, so you create a specialized...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Don't require route name in Web API self host [509]
When you register a route in Web API self host you must pass a non-null name. The same when you try to generate URLs with System.Web.Http.Routing.UrlHelper. This is enforced in...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Don't require route name in Web API self host [509]
When you register a route in Web API self host you must pass a non-null name. The same when you try to generate URLs with System.Web.Http.Routing.UrlHelper. This is enforced in...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [Routing] Complex Type Action Method Parameters and Action...
With the default action selector (ApiControllerActionSelector), we cannot have multiple methods which accept complex type params along with FromUri applied. For exmaple, Cmd1 and Cmd2 are two different...
View ArticleCommented Issue: [Routing] Complex Type Action Method Parameters and Action...
With the default action selector (ApiControllerActionSelector), we cannot have multiple methods which accept complex type params along with FromUri applied. For exmaple, Cmd1 and Cmd2 are two different...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [Routing] Complex Type Action Method Parameters and Action...
With the default action selector (ApiControllerActionSelector), we cannot have multiple methods which accept complex type params along with FromUri applied. For exmaple, Cmd1 and Cmd2 are two different...
View ArticleEdited Issue: FormDataCollectionExtensions.CreateActionContextForModelBinding...
HttpControllerContext controllerContext = new HttpControllerContext() { Configuration = config };is the offending line.
View ArticleCommented Issue: Add a Request.CreateResponse overload that takes the content...
Request.CreateResponse<T> doesn't use the runtime type of the object for content-negotiation. This would be an issue when the formatter doesn't responds to CanWriteType(typeof(object)) with false...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Add a Request.CreateResponse overload that takes the content...
Request.CreateResponse<T> doesn't use the runtime type of the object for content-negotiation. This would be an issue when the formatter doesn't responds to CanWriteType(typeof(object)) with false...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Improve the readability of traces that we generate. [826]
We could write out the names of the different stages of the request/response pipeline instead of just relying on the API names. Mike Wasson's Web API poster is very useful and having the stages written...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Improve the readability of traces that we generate. [826]
We could write out the names of the different stages of the request/response pipeline instead of just relying on the API names. Mike Wasson's Web API poster is very useful and having the stages written...
View ArticleEdited Issue: UpForGrab: Improve the readability of traces that we generate....
We could write out the names of the different stages of the request/response pipeline instead of just relying on the API names. Mike Wasson's Web API poster is very useful and having the stages written...
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