Commented Issue: Delete fails if entity key is of type Guid [885]
I send the following ODATA message:_DELETE http://localhost:34852/Tags(guid'43e361ba-a8a0-4dbe-8474-dfcb5496c161') HTTP/1.1__DataServiceVersion: 3.0MaxDataServiceVersion: 3.0Host: localhost:34852I get...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Handle scenario when multiple route prefixes are used and...
Currently the following would cause a problem, as we try to create 2 routes(one for each route prefix) with the same route name calle...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Handle scenario when multiple route prefixes are used and there...
Currently the following would cause a problem, as we try to create 2 routes(one for each route prefix) with the same route name calle...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Add CreateResponse overload that only takes T for body [960]
Currently there is an overload that takes HttpStatusCode and T but in many cases HttpStatusCode.OK is the code and in those cases it would be easier just to be able to pass in T.It would also be useful...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Generated route name suffixes should be in the same order as...
In the case where action names are the same for multiple actions, to keep route names unique in the route collection, we dynamically generate the names with suffixes like Products.Get1, Products.Get2...
View ArticleCreated Issue: [Cors] RequestMessageHandlerTracer is not executed for OPTIONS...
__Repro__Setup a CORS enable web site and write a customized trace writer like this:```public class CustomTraceWriter : SystemDiagnosticsTraceWriter{ public override void Trace( HttpRequestMessage...
View ArticleCreated Issue: [Cors] Make System.Web.Http.Cors.Tracing.TraceCategories...
System.Web.Http.Tracing.TraceCategories is public, so should be CORS.It allows easier tracing code when filtering category is needed.
View ArticleEdited Issue: [CORS] Make System.Web.Http.Cors.Tracing.TraceCategories public...
System.Web.Http.Tracing.TraceCategories is public, so should be CORS.It allows easier tracing code when filtering category is needed.
View ArticleCommented Issue: [Cors] RequestMessageHandlerTracer is not executed for...
__Repro__Setup a CORS enable web site and write a customized trace writer like this:```public class CustomTraceWriter : SystemDiagnosticsTraceWriter{ public override void Trace( HttpRequestMessage...
View ArticleCreated Issue: [CORS] Request Id in CorsEngineTracer is null [964]
Following traces are what you get:```iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : [2013-04-02T23:33:47.6530772Z] Level=Info, Kind=Begin, Category='System.Web.Http.Cors', Id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,...
View ArticleCreated Issue: [CORS] Trace level of preflight request rejected should be...
__Issue__Today if a preflight is rejected. 400 is returned and following is the tracing output```iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : [2013-04-02T23:39:57.9893186Z] Level=Info, Kind=Begin,...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Action selection requires a default value on a parameter even...
This is especially an issue for attribute routing:[HttpGet("{id?}")]public string Get(string id) { }doesn't work unless you add a default value[HttpGet("{id?}")]public string Get(string id = null) { }
View ArticleCommented Issue: SimpleMembershipProvider bad designed or idea hasn't been...
Hiwe have following situation: - 2 applications works with same database (backend/frontend - is hosting environment dbase restriction). - frontend application could contains more then 300000members...
View ArticleCommented Issue: SimpleMembershipProvider bad designed or idea hasn't been...
Hiwe have following situation: - 2 applications works with same database (backend/frontend - is hosting environment dbase restriction). - frontend application could contains more then 300000members...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [AttributeRouting]Generated route name suffixes should be in...
In the case where action names are the same for multiple actions, to keep route names unique in the route collection, we dynamically generate the names with suffixes like Products.Get1, Products.Get2...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [AttributeRouting]Handle scenario when multiple route prefixes...
Currently the following would cause a problem, as we try to create 2 routes(one for each route prefix) with the same route name calle...
View ArticleCreated Issue: IModelValidatorCache inaccessible [967]
One of the default services for Web API is an implementation of IModelValidatorCache. That interface and the corresponding implementation are internal, meaning that it's not possible to set up an...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Support IServiceProvider Injection for DataAnnotations...
I am not completely sure but at first glance, it seems to me that IServiceProvider for DataAnnotations validations is completely ignored in ASP.NET Web API.Here is a quote from Jeff Handley's blog post...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Support IServiceProvider Injection for DataAnnotations...
I am not completely sure but at first glance, it seems to me that IServiceProvider for DataAnnotations validations is completely ignored in ASP.NET Web API.Here is a quote from Jeff Handley's blog post...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Add support for generating odata urls from razor views. [914]
Context from this SO question,
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