Edited Issue: [OData] Add support for including non-key properties as well in...
We include the properties that the client has asked for (thorugh $select and $expand) and the entity keys in the projection expression we generate in the SelectExpandBinder.If people customize their...
View ArticleEdited Issue: consider how nulls are represented with IEdmObject. [1014]
IEdmObject right now tracks entity instances only which are not nullable. Once, we add support for IEdmObject with complex types and collections, we have to figure out a way to represent null values as...
View ArticleEdited Feature: Add support for Spatial Data types in OData [1010]
Currently, there is no support for spatial data types in Web API OData. Consider adding support for this as it makes impossible to develop any service that has to deal with spatial data.
View ArticleEdited Issue: '/', '\' and ' ' is not handled correctly in string primary key...
'/', '\' can't route to the correct action' ' will be null value when binding to the id parameter.Repro code: public static void RegisterODataRoutes(this HttpConfiguration configuration){// Metadata...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: MVC attribute routing should generate unique route names...
__Scenario__:User decorates the controller and actions with attributed routes and expects the applicaiton to work.__Issue__:Consider the following two actions in AccountController(shortened for...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Expose the default logic of link generation to enable...
I agree that its easy to create links ourselves, but its natural and easier to just fallback to the default logic too.Scenarios:a. I would like to build a 'Transient' action on Product called...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Expose the default logic of link generation to enable re-using...
I agree that its easy to create links ourselves, but its natural and easier to just fallback to the default logic too.Scenarios:a. I would like to build a 'Transient' action on Product called...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Automatic routing implementation [1139]
Hello,There is only one thing that I don't like about ASP.NET MVC - namely routing. Each time when I create a non-default controller action with non default parameter name I am supposed to manually...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Currently if a HTTP method is not supported Web API returns a...
In the current version of Web API, when the action selector does not find a matching action for a HTTP method it returns a 404 status code even when the resource URI supports other methods (e.g. it...
View ArticleEdited Issue: 405 response should include an "accept" header [1129]
According to the spec for 405 errors, [10.4.6](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#page-66): > The response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested...
View ArticleEdited Issue: WebAPI returning 405 in cases that should be 404 [1130]
Sometimes WebAPI returns 405 in cases where it should return 404. If there is no possible verb to satisfy a URL, then it should be 404. Consider an empty controller:class TestController : ApiController...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Hiding controller from showing up on HelpPage does not...
__Scenario__:User does not like to show up a controller on HelpPage (ex: EntitySetController in OData), so he would like to use setting like [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi=true)] on the...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Hiding controller from showing up on HelpPage does not...
__Scenario__:User does not like to show up a controller on HelpPage (ex: EntitySetController in OData), so he would like to use setting like [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi=true)] on the...
View ArticleEdited Issue: "Multiple actions found" error due to incorrect route created...
__Scenario__: User likes to support CORS for one of his actions and so he decorates the action with HttpPost and HttpOptions attributes.Attached a standalone katana selfhost...
View ArticleCommented Issue: "Multiple actions found" error due to incorrect route...
__Scenario__: User likes to support CORS for one of his actions and so he decorates the action with HttpPost and HttpOptions attributes.Attached a standalone katana selfhost...
View ArticleEdited Issue: "Multiple actions found" error due to incorrect route created...
__Scenario__: User likes to support CORS for one of his actions and so he decorates the action with HttpPost and HttpOptions attributes.Attached a standalone katana selfhost...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [AttributeRouting]Handle scenario when multiple route prefixes...
Currently the following would cause a problem, as we try to create 2 routes(one for each route prefix) with the same route name calle...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Hiding controller from showing up on HelpPage does not...
__Scenario__:User does not like to show up a controller on HelpPage (ex: EntitySetController in OData), so he would like to use setting like [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi=true)] on the...
View ArticleClosed Issue: $expand fails when the navigation property being expanded is...
**Url**`/api/passos?$expand=ProximoPasso&$select=Nome,ProximoPasso/Nome`**Code**``` public abstract class EntityNome : IEntity{ public int Id { get; set; } public string Nome { get; set; }}``````...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: MVC attribute routing fails for multiple routes with the...
__Scenario__:User decorates the controller and actions with attributed routes and expects the applicaiton to work.__Issue__:Consider the following two actions in AccountController(shortened for...
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