There is only one thing that I don't like about ASP.NET MVC - namely routing. Each time when I create a non-default controller action with non default parameter name I am supposed to manually enter new .MapRoute() instruction on RouteConfig.
I have created a NuGet package that solves this issue: https://nuget.org/packages/AutoRouting/
but I'm pretty sure that it can be done natively in ASP.NET MVC source code.
I'm not very familiar with ASP.NET MVC source code and unfortunately I don't have time now to address this issue and create a "pull request", but maybe someone will find a more "native" solution for this.
The whole scenario is described on project's github readme: https://github.com/sobanieca/AutoRouting/
Adam Sobaniec
Comments: Hi Adam, this sounds cool but we're not sure it's a good fit for a core part of the MVC framework. We recommend that you continue figuring out the various odds and ends of the scenarios that you want to handle and get some more end-user feedback on this. We also recommend that you check out the new "attribute routing" feature in MVC: https://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Attribute%20routing%20in%20MVC&referringTitle=Specs It also makes some of these same cases easier to handle. Thanks, Eilon
There is only one thing that I don't like about ASP.NET MVC - namely routing. Each time when I create a non-default controller action with non default parameter name I am supposed to manually enter new .MapRoute() instruction on RouteConfig.
I have created a NuGet package that solves this issue: https://nuget.org/packages/AutoRouting/
but I'm pretty sure that it can be done natively in ASP.NET MVC source code.
I'm not very familiar with ASP.NET MVC source code and unfortunately I don't have time now to address this issue and create a "pull request", but maybe someone will find a more "native" solution for this.
The whole scenario is described on project's github readme: https://github.com/sobanieca/AutoRouting/
Adam Sobaniec
Comments: Hi Adam, this sounds cool but we're not sure it's a good fit for a core part of the MVC framework. We recommend that you continue figuring out the various odds and ends of the scenarios that you want to handle and get some more end-user feedback on this. We also recommend that you check out the new "attribute routing" feature in MVC: https://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Attribute%20routing%20in%20MVC&referringTitle=Specs It also makes some of these same cases easier to handle. Thanks, Eilon