Commented Issue: Currently if a HTTP method is not supported Web API returns...
In the current version of Web API, when the action selector does not find a matching action for a HTTP method it returns a 404 status code even when the resource URI supports other methods (e.g. it...
View ArticleCreated Issue: TransferEncodingChunked=true doesn't work on WebHost [1124]
When setting response.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked, the response doesn't get chunked, and a client (Fiddler) will fail trying to read the response.Repro 1: public HttpResponseMessage Get(){...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TransferEncodingChunked=true doesn't work on WebHost [1124]
When setting response.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked, the response doesn't get chunked, and a client (Fiddler) will fail trying to read the response.Repro 1: public HttpResponseMessage Get(){...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: ApiExplorer doesn't return any descriptions when...
__Note__: This behavior is after today's check-in of 'direct-routes' in webapi's attribute routing.__Scenario__: User views the apis that he is exposing.__Issue__: HelpPage depends on ApiExplorer...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: ApiExplorer doesn't return any descriptions when attribute...
__Note__: This behavior is after today's check-in of 'direct-routes' in webapi's attribute routing.__Scenario__: User views the apis that he is exposing.__Issue__: HelpPage depends on ApiExplorer...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: ApiExplorer doesn't return any descriptions when attribute...
__Note__: This behavior is after today's check-in of 'direct-routes' in webapi's attribute routing.__Scenario__: User views the apis in that he is exposing in HelpPage.__Issue__: HelpPage depends on...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: ApiExplorer doesn't return any descriptions when attribute...
__Note__: This behavior is after today's check-in of 'direct-routes' in webapi's attribute routing.__Scenario__: User views the apis he is exposing in HelpPage.__Issue__: HelpPage depends on...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: WebImage.Resize can sometimes add black border [1126]
Sometimes resizing an image can add a black border to the output, example (images attached):```new WebImage("original.jpg").Resize(180, 180).Save("output.jpg");```A possible fix is in...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Web API with Katana host won't clear Thread.CurrentPrincipal...
The specific problem happens when debugging unit test with Visual Studio. VS unit test will use some VS.Diagnostic.ServiceModelSlim assembly which will host a wcf service on the debugging process to...
View ArticleEdited Issue: ApiExplorer ignores valid actions when there are placeholders...
It seems the ApiExplorer ignores valid actions when there are placeholders in the route template which cannot be mapped to an action parameter, e.g.The ApiExplorer will not consider the route template...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Enable FxCop for System.Net.Http.Formatting.NetCore [614]
It currently doesn't pass CodeAnalysis (and CodeAnalysis is disabled project-wide).
View ArticleEdited Issue: [MQ] Ensure the CA1804 FxCop rule runs on the runtime [548]
FxCop violations are being ignored by build.cmd. We need to figure out why and resolve the issue.
View ArticleEdited Issue: Route specific message handlers are not getting traced [222]
Tracing is happening for message handlers common for all routes, but not for the route specific ones.Attached a standalone Xunit repro.
View ArticleEdited Issue: MediaTypeFormatterTracer doesn't pass MediaTypeMappings to...
The particular issue happens when supporting $format to ODataMediaTypeFormatter. The controller configuration won't work with tracing enabled: public class ODataFormatQueryAttribute : Attribute,...
View ArticleEdited Feature: We should open up the configuration.Services to allow user...
Today if one tries to add a custom service to the configuration.Services bag, it will throw exception saying that it does not support unknown services.We should open this up so that people don't have...
View ArticleEdited Issue: HttpActionContext.ActionArguments dictionary should use...
Currently the HttpActionContext.ActionArguments uses the default dictionary initializer, which means that the keys are looked up using a case-sensitive comparer.This conflicts with the stated design of...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Model binding of route wildcard broken in Web API [718]
A route like this: routes.MapHttpRoute("KuduVirtualFileSystem","api/{segment}/{*path}", defaults: new { controller = "demo" });and a Web Api controller action like this:public async...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Fix FxCop violations for Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Facebook assembly...
The facebook assembly is not currently running with the Strict ruleset for code analysis like the rest of our product assemblies.This...
View ArticleEdited Issue: ApiExplorer not providing descriptions for route parameters not...
For the following ValuesController and default Web API route, the help page is getting generated as expected.public class ValuesController : ApiController{// GET api/values public...
View ArticleEdited Feature: [Routing] Improve our versioning story with same controller...
If one has two TestController types under different namespace, it is very hard to pick the right one based on the route it came on. Our default controller selector would throw exceptions on multiple...
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