__Note__: This behavior is after today's check-in of 'direct-routes' in webapi's attribute routing.
__Scenario__: User views the apis that he is exposing.
__Issue__: HelpPage depends on ApiExplorer internally. ApiExplorer is not returning any api descriptions which are required to show up information on help page.
__Reason__: Before today's check-in, attribute routing used to create defaults for the 'controller' and 'action' variables into the defaults dictionary which ApiExplorer uses to generate descriptions, but currently we are not doing that instead only creating data tokens with the action descriptors.
__Example__ (following are the routes how they might look like in route table for the attributed controller below):
("routeName", "api/values", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[GET] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [] });
("routeName", "api/values", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[POST] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [Post(String value)] });
("routeName", "api/values/apidescriptions", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[GET] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [] });
("routeName", "api/values/{id}", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[GET] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [GetSingle(Int32 id)] });
("routeName", "api/values/{id}", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[PUT] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [Put(Int32 id, String value)] });
("routeName", "api/values/{id}", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[DELETE] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [Delete(Int32 id)] });
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public int GetApiDescriptionsCount()
return Configuration.Services.GetApiExplorer().ApiDescriptions.Count;
public IEnumerable<string> GetAll()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
public string GetSingle(int id)
return "value";
public void Post([FromBody]string value)
public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)
public void Delete(int id)
__Scenario__: User views the apis that he is exposing.
__Issue__: HelpPage depends on ApiExplorer internally. ApiExplorer is not returning any api descriptions which are required to show up information on help page.
__Reason__: Before today's check-in, attribute routing used to create defaults for the 'controller' and 'action' variables into the defaults dictionary which ApiExplorer uses to generate descriptions, but currently we are not doing that instead only creating data tokens with the action descriptors.
__Example__ (following are the routes how they might look like in route table for the attributed controller below):
("routeName", "api/values", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[GET] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [] });
("routeName", "api/values", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[POST] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [Post(String value)] });
("routeName", "api/values/apidescriptions", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[GET] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [] });
("routeName", "api/values/{id}", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[GET] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [GetSingle(Int32 id)] });
("routeName", "api/values/{id}", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[PUT] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [Put(Int32 id, String value)] });
("routeName", "api/values/{id}", new { }, new { httpMethod = HttpMethodConstraints[DELETE] }, dataTokens: new { actions = [Delete(Int32 id)] });
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public int GetApiDescriptionsCount()
return Configuration.Services.GetApiExplorer().ApiDescriptions.Count;
public IEnumerable<string> GetAll()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
public string GetSingle(int id)
return "value";
public void Post([FromBody]string value)
public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)
public void Delete(int id)