We are getting "Unexpected end of MIME multipart stream. MIME multipart message is not complete." error when trying to parse multipart form data in the second time.
Please take a look at the code attached. We are parsing the form in the first time in TryAuthenticate method to extract auth token. The second time we parse it in the UploadController.Upload method and there the exception appears.
Perhaps this situation is connected to the discussion http://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/discussions/354215.
We are using the latest updates (nightly builds from May, 18).
Please advice.
Comments: This happens If you miss the 'name' attribute in input type file. Personal experience.
Please take a look at the code attached. We are parsing the form in the first time in TryAuthenticate method to extract auth token. The second time we parse it in the UploadController.Upload method and there the exception appears.
Perhaps this situation is connected to the discussion http://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/discussions/354215.
We are using the latest updates (nightly builds from May, 18).
Please advice.
Comments: This happens If you miss the 'name' attribute in input type file. Personal experience.