With latest 2.1 release we get the following exception on IIS 7:
[PlatformNotSupportedException]: This operation requires IIS version 7.5 or higher running in integrated pipeline mode. at System.Web.HttpResponse.get_ClientDisconnectedToken()
This is a Web API issue as this api is only supported on IIS 7.5 and only in integrated mode, otherwise PlatformNotSupportedException will be thrown. The current IIS version can be checked via http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.httpruntime.iisversion(v=vs.110).aspx at runtime, and the pipeline mode can be checked via http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.httpruntime.usingintegratedpipeline(v=vs.110).aspx at runtime.
Comments: I realize that in my fix the check for the pipeline mode is missing.
[PlatformNotSupportedException]: This operation requires IIS version 7.5 or higher running in integrated pipeline mode. at System.Web.HttpResponse.get_ClientDisconnectedToken()
This is a Web API issue as this api is only supported on IIS 7.5 and only in integrated mode, otherwise PlatformNotSupportedException will be thrown. The current IIS version can be checked via http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.httpruntime.iisversion(v=vs.110).aspx at runtime, and the pipeline mode can be checked via http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.httpruntime.usingintegratedpipeline(v=vs.110).aspx at runtime.
Comments: I realize that in my fix the check for the pipeline mode is missing.