Commented Issue: Add the key value back to the Delta deserialization [651]
We decided to drop support for PatchKeyMode for now. We should consider re-adding support for this feature.Comments: Fixed:
View ArticleCommented Issue: Add IAllowAnonymous interface and check for this in the...
AuthorizeAttribute contains code that checks for the existence of AllowAnonymousAttribute, which allows holes to be punched in to an otherwise fully protected controller. However, this hard coupling...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Add IAllowAnonymous interface and check for this in the...
AuthorizeAttribute contains code that checks for the existence of AllowAnonymousAttribute, which allows holes to be punched in to an otherwise fully protected controller. However, this hard coupling...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Consider adding a new attribute: AnonymousOnlyAttribute [709]
Proposal to create a new attribute "AnonymousOnlyAttribute", which would be used primarily as a method filter, in the same way that HttpGet and HttpPost are used.<br /><br />The filter...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Consider adding a new attribute: AnonymousOnlyAttribute [709]
Proposal to create a new attribute "AnonymousOnlyAttribute", which would be used primarily as a method filter, in the same way that HttpGet and HttpPost are used.<br /><br />The filter...
View ArticleCommented Feature: OData does not support $inlinecount=allpages [330]
This is obviously very needed. See my comments about ODataResult on how this should be intelligently implemented without using things like ODataResult.Comments: I've been waiting for the...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Compose emails using MVC views [723]
This is a feature request to bring in MvcMailer ( as a core ASP.NET API.
View ArticleCommented Issue: Multiple DisplayModes - Caching error, will show wrong View...
HiI have large issue with one of my sites where i have implemted multiple views side by side using MVC4 DisplayModes.Pages are...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ValidateQuery: Method not found: 'Int32...
Here's the query that is generating this error in QueryableAttribute.ValidateQuery:<baseurl>?$orderby=Date%20desc&$filter=Date%20ge%20datetime'2012-11-19T00:00:00Z'This worked until very...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Action link generation convention throws Null Ref when there is...
Currently the other links like Edit, Self do not generate links when no EntitySet is found. We would need to follow similarly in Action link generation too.
View ArticleCommented Issue: Action link generation convention throws Null Ref when there...
Currently the other links like Edit, Self do not generate links when no EntitySet is found. We would need to follow similarly in Action link generation too.Comments: Unable to repro the issue. I'm...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Add xml docs for public API [724]
I found that there are several public classes missing xml doc comments. So I ran a stylecop and found that there are 276 protected or public members that are not documented. Are we going to fix them by...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Fix for issue in...
I'm using Castle Windsor to do various AOP stuff in my web application. I'm having an issue with a controller action method with an optional parameter with a default value:public virtual ActionResult...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Rename Web API OData's HttpConfigurationExtensions to...
This way the type name won't conflict with the ones in other assemblies. Having the same name means that it will be more difficult to do searches for it online or to find documentation.
View ArticleCommented Issue: Rename Web API OData's HttpConfigurationExtensions to...
This way the type name won't conflict with the ones in other assemblies. Having the same name means that it will be more difficult to do searches for it online or to find documentation.Comments:...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Coerce key values added to RouteData in...
When adding a key value to the controller context RouteValues, the value should be coerced into the appropriate CLR type based upon the Key of the EntitySet in question. The lack of this causes an...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Coerce key values added to RouteData in...
When adding a key value to the controller context RouteValues, the value should be coerced into the appropriate CLR type based upon the Key of the EntitySet in question. The lack of this causes an...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Remove the public overrdiable api "GetFunctionImport" from...
This api is being used by ODataActionPayloadDeserializer, which does not require this method, which acts like a helper, to be exposed and can be get the Action(FunctionImport) info via the odata path...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Remove the public overrdiable api "GetFunctionImport" from...
This api is being used by ODataActionPayloadDeserializer, which does not require this method, which acts like a helper, to be exposed and can be get the Action(FunctionImport) info via the odata path...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ConventionModelBuilder.ReconfigureEntityTypesAsComplexType...
if the backing CLR types for complex types are in an inheritance hierarchy, ReconfigureEntityTypesAsComplexTypes fails to add base type properties resulting in partial or empty types. Comments:...
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