Created Issue: The positive and negative infinity floading value should be...
The Json protocol says in 4.5.3 Annotations odata.type:• The floating-point values NaN, INF, and -INF are serialized as strings and MUST have an odata.type annotation to specify the numeric type.But...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: fail to compile by specifying the @model [1706]
fail to compile if you specify a Tuple of four or more arguments to @modelOK```@model Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int, int>>```NG```@model Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int, int,...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Certain Attribute Routes Fail [1698]
Ran into an issue where certain routes defined on attributes fail. It seems to b only certain cases and I've documented them in the following StackOverflow...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Action returning collection of complex type doesn't...
Action returning collection of complex type doesn't include count when using $inlinecount=allpages.Controller implementation:```[HttpPost]public PageResult<odata.TestItem>...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AuthorizationRedirectPath is not picked up in MVC...
This is an issue derives from the following discussion: when user cancel the permission request dialog, facebook app will...
View ArticleClosed Issue: IQueryable doesn't get serialized properly [1641]
When ODataqueryOptions get binded to the parameters and the query includes a select or an expand, the formatter should be able to serialize IQueryable<IEdmEntityObject>. CanWriteType does the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: File handler is not released in form-data file upload...
See the attached repro program. In the test scenario, the client keep uploading file and the controller is expected to delete it once the read is finished. Occasionally the deletion will fail because...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Bugfix presented in issue 282 not present in actual...
Hello,I've encountered the same problem as descibed in issue 282 : . While I was digging into the issue i discovered that the bugfix as was checked in in...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Bugfix presented in issue 282 not present in actual...
Hello,I've encountered the same problem as descibed in issue 282 : . While I was digging into the issue i discovered that the bugfix as was checked in in...
View ArticleEdited Issue: There should be an API to control whether a unbound...
There should be an API to control whether a unbound function/action is added as a FunctionImport/FunctionImport. And there should be an API to set the FunctionImport/ActionImport name, because it may...
View ArticleCommented Issue: There should be an API to control whether a unbound...
There should be an API to control whether a unbound function/action is added as a FunctionImport/FunctionImport. And there should be an API to set the FunctionImport/ActionImport name, because it may...
View ArticleCommented Issue: The error message for a function import being used in query...
A function import can not be used in query option, and if it is used, the error message should be specific. Repro:1. create a function import2. use it in a query option such as...
View ArticleEdited Issue: The error message for a function import being used in query...
A function import can not be used in query option, and if it is used, the error message should be specific. Repro:1. create a function import2. use it in a query option such as...
View ArticleEdited Task: There should be an API to control whether a unbound...
There should be an API to control whether a unbound function/action is added as a FunctionImport/ActionImport. And there should be an API to set the FunctionImport/ActionImport name, because it may be...
View ArticleCommented Task: There should be an API to control whether a unbound...
There should be an API to control whether a unbound function/action is added as a FunctionImport/ActionImport. And there should be an API to set the FunctionImport/ActionImport name, because it may be...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Bugfix presented in issue 282 not present in actual...
Hello,I've encountered the same problem as descibed in issue 282 : . While I was digging into the issue i discovered that the bugfix as was checked in in...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: fail to compile by specifying the @model [1706]
fail to compile if you specify a Tuple of four or more arguments to @modelOK```@model Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int, int>>```NG```@model Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int, int,...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Certain Attribute Routes Fail [1698]
Ran into an issue where certain routes defined on attributes fail. It seems to b only certain cases and I've documented them in the following StackOverflow...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Certain Attribute Routes Fail [1698]
Ran into an issue where certain routes defined on attributes fail. It seems to b only certain cases and I've documented them in the following StackOverflow...
View ArticleCommented Issue: All functions and actions are added as function imports and...
Per protocol bound action/function should not be added as actionImport/functionImport. But now they become imports. It is related to this change:commit c5afbeeacada58142856a27654f5dc7078d35388Author:...
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