Edited Unassigned: ODataMetadataController needs renaming to support Side by...
Define the following services (With the v3 and the v4 assemblies):``` public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config){// Web API configuration and services// Web API routes...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Has operator doesn´t work with Entity Framework [1694]
Create a model with an Enum property.Try to use the has operator with the Enum property in a $filter query (with entity framework as the backend)Error message:LINQ to Entities does not recognize the...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Support `disabled` attribute in and from DropDownList. [1697]
When handling (WorkItem 1486)[https://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/workitem/1486], we found that `disabled` attribute was missing in both <option> and <optgroup> tags from the select list....
View ArticleEdited Issue: Modify HttpControllerHandler.ConvertRequest to not throw if...
If the user opted to use a Buffered policy and ended up reading the stream in entirety, we can continue accessing the stream via Request.InputStream. Today we opt to throw instead in this case.
View ArticleCommented Issue: Modify HttpControllerHandler.ConvertRequest to not throw if...
If the user opted to use a Buffered policy and ended up reading the stream in entirety, we can continue accessing the stream via Request.InputStream. Today we opt to throw instead in this case....
View ArticleEdited Issue: Modify HttpControllerHandler.ConvertRequest to not throw if...
If the user opted to use a Buffered policy and ended up reading the stream in entirety, we can continue accessing the stream via Request.InputStream. Today we opt to throw instead in this case.
View ArticleEdited Feature: Decouple attribute routing from attributes [1464]
Attribute routing (or rather, direct routing) shouldn't necessarily be tied to attributes. Just like filter providers can be used to get filters from other places, the same should be true for attribute...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: WebApi AttributeRouting needs inheritance [1688]
Attribute routes need to be inherited. Every web api I've written I've started with a base class that handled basic crud operations with a generic service, something like...public class...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Support `disabled` attribute in and from DropDownList. [1697]
When handling [WorkItem 1486](https://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/workitem/1486), we found that `disabled` attribute was missing in both <option> and <optgroup> tags from the select list....
View ArticleEdited Issue: Support `disabled` attribute in and from SelectList. [1697]
When handling [WorkItem 1486](https://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/workitem/1486), we found that `disabled` attribute was missing in both <option> and <optgroup> tags from the select list....
View ArticleEdited Issue: Qualified name of action/function should be returned in...
If ~/EntitySet(1)?$format=application/json;odata.metadata=full is requested, qualified name of action/function should be returned, but actually there is no namespace prefix on the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Qualified name of action/function should be returned in...
If ~/EntitySet(1)?$format=application/json;odata.metadata=full is requested, qualified name of action/function should be returned, but actually there is no namespace prefix on the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Web API IISEXPRESS Worker Process Hangs When Returning...
This is a strange issue I have noticed several times recently in different solutions and use cases, yet cannot reliably reproduce. Basically I never get a response to the request when the reponse...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Overriding DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider.CreateMetadata...
Create a customized `MyModelMetadataProvider` extending `DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider` with overrided `CreateMetadata` returning `null`. Register it by `ModelMetadataProviders.Current = new...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Overriding...
Create a customized `MyModelMetadataProvider` extending `DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider` with overrided `CreateMetadata` returning `null`. Register it by `ModelMetadataProviders.Current = new...
View ArticleEdited Feature: [EditorTemplates] Support htmlAttributes as IDictionary for...
I can do this:```csharp@Html.EditorFor(m => m.Foo, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" } })```but I cannot do this:```csharp@Html.EditorFor(m => m.Foo, new { htmlAttributes = new...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Web API IISEXPRESS Worker Process Hangs When Returning An...
This is a strange issue I have noticed several times recently in different solutions and use cases, yet cannot reliably reproduce. Basically I never get a response to the request when the reponse...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Intellisense and resharper support is gone after...
There's no intellisense in my razor views/actions after I update to MVC5.1 using NuGet.I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Update 1 with Web Tools 2013.1 installed on top of it.The workaround provided...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Intellisense and resharper support is gone after updating...
There's no intellisense in my razor views/actions after I update to MVC5.1 using NuGet.I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Update 1 with Web Tools 2013.1 installed on top of it.The workaround provided...
View ArticleCommented Feature: Support "this" context for ajax actions/forms [1487]
Copied from: https://aspnet.codeplex.com/workitem/10335, opened by: AaronLSIn handlers such as OnSuccess for Ajax.BeginForm or Ajax.ActionLinkl, there is no way to determine the submitting element....
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