Edited Issue: There are 2 function-import elements in ServiceDocument if a...
If a function is overloaded such as:<Function Name="GetAllConventionCustomers" IsComposable="true"><ReturnType Type="Collection(WebStack.QA.Test.OData.UnboundOperation.ConventionCustomer)"...
View ArticleCommented Issue: There are 2 function-import elements in ServiceDocument if a...
If a function is overloaded such as:<Function Name="GetAllConventionCustomers" IsComposable="true"><ReturnType Type="Collection(WebStack.QA.Test.OData.UnboundOperation.ConventionCustomer)"...
View ArticleClosed Issue: There are 2 function-import elements in ServiceDocument if a...
If a function is overloaded such as:<Function Name="GetAllConventionCustomers" IsComposable="true"><ReturnType Type="Collection(WebStack.QA.Test.OData.UnboundOperation.ConventionCustomer)"...
View ArticleClosed Issue: A composable function should can be invoked with additional...
According to the odata csdl protocol v4, a composable function should can be invoked with additional path segments, but actually it can't. For example:if...
View ArticleClosed Issue: The properties SupportedInFilter and SupportedInOrderBy in...
The 2 properties SupportedInFilter and SupportedInOrderBy should be deleted, as a function can be invoked in $filter and $orderby always.
View ArticleClosed Issue: ODataUriUtils.ConvertToUriLiteral does not support Enum [1608]
ODataUriUtils.ConvertToUriLiteral and ConvertFromUriLiteral do not support EnumPlease fix ```ConventionsHelpers.GetUriRepresentationForValue``` after Enum is supportedComments: Fixed,...
View ArticleClosed Issue: BindRound method binds nullable double as decimal [1580]
BindRound method binds nullable double as decimal.``` private Expression BindRound(SingleValueFunctionCallNode node){ Contract.Assert("round" == node.Name); Expression[] arguments =...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Web API IISEXPRESS Worker Process Hangs When Returning...
This is a strange issue I have noticed several times recently in different solutions and use cases, yet cannot reliably reproduce. Basically I never get a response to the request when the reponse...
View ArticleCreated Issue: [HelpPage]ApiExplorer throws exception when trying to expand...
Reported by user here: http://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/discussions/531690_Scenario_:```public class OneRequest{ public string Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; }} public class...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Using $select ignores serialization settings [1609]
I noticed that the use of $select seems to have a problem in that properties that are selected are serialized using POCO settings rather than whatever settings they may have using [DataMember] or...
View ArticleEdited Issue: QueryStringValueProvider does not use the right culture [1592]
QueryStringValueProviderFactory calls QueryStringValueProvider's wrong constructor : // For unit testing internal QueryStringValueProvider(ControllerContext controllerContext, IUnvalidatedRequestValues...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Expose SelectExpandWrapper for advanced scenarios [1676]
Expose SelectExpandWrapper<T> or any similar abstraction so that it can be manipulated in advanced scenarios.Ideally, also modify the ToDictionary method of SelectExpandWrapper<T> to take...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Provide support for referential constraints in the...
This workitem tracks the remaining work of https://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/workitem/1423 as the changes in the model builder required to support referential constraints and AssociationLinkAttribute...
View ArticleClosed Issue: OData Web API expression build for $select on entity property...
1. Create an IEdmModel that that has an entity in which a structural property that is nullable = false is added:EdmModel model = new EdmModel();EdmEntityContainer container = new...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Qualified name of action/function should be returned in...
If ~/EntitySet(1)?$format=application/json;odata.metadata=full is requested, qualified name of action/function should be returned, but actually there is no namespace prefix on the...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Qulified name should be used to call a function/action. [1638]
According to the OData protocol, functions and actions should be called with namespace- or alias- qualified name. For example: To invoke an action bound to a resource, the client issues a POST request...
View ArticleEdited Issue: It can not find the correct overload function if the the...
If a function has 2 overload:<Function Name="GetAllConventionCustomers" ReturnType="Collection(WebStack.QA.Test.OData.UnboundOperation.ConventionCustomer)" IsComposable="true" /><Function...
View ArticleCommented Issue: It can not find the correct overload function if the the...
If a function has 2 overload:<Function Name="GetAllConventionCustomers" ReturnType="Collection(WebStack.QA.Test.OData.UnboundOperation.ConventionCustomer)" IsComposable="true" /><Function...
View ArticleEdited Issue: It can not find the correct overload function if the the...
If a function has 2 overload:<Function Name="GetAllConventionCustomers" ReturnType="Collection(WebStack.QA.Test.OData.UnboundOperation.ConventionCustomer)" IsComposable="true" /><Function...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Provide support for referential constraints in the...
This workitem tracks the remaining work of https://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/workitem/1423 as the changes in the model builder required to support referential constraints, ForeignKeyAttribute and...
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