Commented Issue: Authorization on $expand functionality [1607]
The issue is created on behalf of a request on> Currently, there is no way to influence in what way $expand binds additional models. I would very much like to have some control...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Authorization on $expand functionality [1607]
The issue is created on behalf of a request on> Currently, there is no way to influence in what way $expand binds additional models. I would very much like to have some control...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: [ODataAttrRouting]Invalid route templates are not...
__Scenario__: I have a typo when supplying the url template for an OData route. Let's say the entity set name is incorrect.__Actual__:When the application launches, the attribute routes are not...
View ArticleCommented Task: Remove MERGE http method [1603]
Web API OData still supports MERGE. This is no longer part of the OData v4 specification.Comments: should we keep it for backward compatibility? or obsolete that method?
View ArticleClosed Task: replace extension methods used in Action& Function as ODL V4...
some extension methods used in action and function are customized in WebApi. Now, ODL V4 has the corresponding APIs. Please replace them as ODL V4 version.
View ArticleCommented Issue: serialize null collection value [1605]
Currently, in webapi.odata v3 and later, it throws: "The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type```POST /odata/Products HTTP/1.1{"ID":1,"Name":"abc"}HTTP/1.1 500...
View ArticleClosed Issue: serialize null collection value [1605]
Currently, in webapi.odata v3 and later, it throws: "The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type```POST /odata/Products HTTP/1.1{"ID":1,"Name":"abc"}HTTP/1.1 500...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: KeyValueParser doesn't handle '=' properly [1458]
When trying to parse the a key whose value is '=', KeyValueParser fails.
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: KeyValueParser doesn't handle '=' properly [1458]
When trying to parse the a key whose value is '=', KeyValueParser fails.Comments: The KeyValueParser can parse a key whose value is '=', for example: KeyValueParser.ParseKeys("key='='") Can you...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: KeyValueParser doesn't handle '=' properly [1458]
When trying to parse the a key whose value is '=', KeyValueParser fails.
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: KeyValueParser doesn't handle '=' properly [1458]
When trying to parse the a key whose value is '=', KeyValueParser fails.Comments: I know what you mean. The problem is with single key value which contains '=' For example:...
View ArticleCommented Issue: It's better to support automatically adding actions and...
Now it is need to add actions and functions in this way: var actionConfiguration = employee.Action("AddSkill"); actionConfiguration.Parameter<Skill>("skill");...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Unbound function should can be called in query option. [1630]
If below url is requested: ~/ConventionCustomers?$filter=WebStack.QA.Test.OData.UnBoundFunction.GetConventionCustomerNameById(CustomerId%3D407)%20eq%20'Name%207'Where ConventionCustomers is an entity...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Unbound function should can be called in query option. [1630]
If below url is requested: ~/ConventionCustomers?$filter=WebStack.QA.Test.OData.UnBoundFunction.GetConventionCustomerNameById(CustomerId%3D407)%20eq%20'Name%207'Where ConventionCustomers is an entity...
View ArticleEdited Issue: The error message for a function import being used in query...
A function import can not be used in query option, and if it is used, the error message should be specific. Repro:1. create a function import2. use it in a query option such as...
View ArticleCommented Issue: The error message for a function import being used in query...
A function import can not be used in query option, and if it is used, the error message should be specific. Repro:1. create a function import2. use it in a query option such as...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Qulified name should be used to call a function/action. [1638]
According to the OData protocol, functions and actions should be called with namespace- or alias- qualified name. For example: To invoke an action bound to a resource, the client issues a POST request...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Qulified name should be used to call a function/action. [1638]
According to the OData protocol, functions and actions should be called with namespace- or alias- qualified name. For example: To invoke an action bound to a resource, the client issues a POST request...
View ArticleEdited Issue: It can not find the correct overload function if the the...
If a function has 2 overload:<Function Name="GetAllConventionCustomers" ReturnType="Collection(WebStack.QA.Test.OData.UnboundOperation.ConventionCustomer)" IsComposable="true" /><Function...
View ArticleCommented Issue: It can not find the correct overload function if the the...
If a function has 2 overload:<Function Name="GetAllConventionCustomers" ReturnType="Collection(WebStack.QA.Test.OData.UnboundOperation.ConventionCustomer)" IsComposable="true" /><Function...
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