Edited Issue: Unsortable query limitation doesn't work for complex objects...
Given a model with an entity, and a complex object. When we limit ordering in the complex object it doesn't get respected and the following query succeeds instead of returning bad...
View ArticleEdited Issue: OData v4 support "odata.streaming" instead of "streaming" [1591]
OData v4 support "odata.streaming" instead of "streaming" in format, such as:"application/json;odata.metadata=none;odata.streaming=true"
View ArticleEdited Feature: Support cast() in $filter [1586]
Currently, the following query throws:http://localhost:20598/odata/Products?$filter=ID eq cast('1', 'Edm.Int32')```{"odata.error": {"code": "","message": {"lang": "en-US","value": "An error has...
View ArticleEdited Feature: Change $link to $ref [1582]
in OData v4, entity reference is requested by $ref instead of $link. So we need to change accordingly.
View ArticleEdited Issue: select action should use namespace.* [1581]
Currently, to select all actions, we use```$select=Id,Default.Container.*```-or-```$select=Id,Container.*```Should use namespace.* as per v4 spec.
View ArticleEdited Issue: BindRound method binds nullable double as decimal [1580]
BindRound method binds nullable double as decimal.``` private Expression BindRound(SingleValueFunctionCallNode node){ Contract.Assert("round" == node.Name); Expression[] arguments =...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Json Deserialization Errors [1597]
I've had a really bad time debugging an ASP.NET Web API project I've been working on because of Json Deserialization errors which happened because of circular references on my models. For example:```...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Trigger a custom ajax call in unobtrusive ajax [1613]
The way I see it, I can create `form` or `a` elements, decorated with the data attributes. The unobtrusive script listens for form submit and anchor click events. There is no way to interact with the...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Match the function name first, then parameters in function...
In OData Attribute Routing, the function template only matches the function parameters. In actually, it should match the function name then the parameter.
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: When used inside the area the Remote attribute, you can...
If you specify an empty string as areaName the Remote attribute, "area" key to RouteData is not added.However, it is possible if you specify an empty string in the "area", such as UrlHelper is,...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: It reports error if a pathTemplate is defined in...
If below is defined in a controller:[HttpGet][ODataRoute("Bug()")] public IEnumerable<ConventionCustomer> Bug(){ return _customers;}But function Bug() is not defined in the corresponding...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Unobtrusive AJAX can't handle special characters [1617]
If I'm using unobtrusive AJAX and my ID's contain special characters, like a dot or a colon, which is perfectly valid, it breaks and cannot find the referenced elements. In AjaxOptions, you have this...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Trigger a custom ajax call in unobtrusive ajax [1613]
The way I see it, I can create `form` or `a` elements, decorated with the data attributes. The unobtrusive script listens for form submit and anchor click events. There is no way to interact with the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Unobtrusive AJAX can't handle special characters [1617]
If I'm using unobtrusive AJAX and my ID's contain special characters, like a dot or a colon, which is perfectly valid, it breaks and cannot find the referenced elements. In AjaxOptions, you have this...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Unobtrusive AJAX can't handle special characters [1617]
If I'm using unobtrusive AJAX and my ID's contain special characters, like a dot or a colon, which is perfectly valid, it breaks and cannot find the referenced elements. In AjaxOptions, you have this...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Trigger a custom ajax call in unobtrusive ajax [1613]
The way I see it, I can create `form` or `a` elements, decorated with the data attributes. The unobtrusive script listens for form submit and anchor click events. There is no way to interact with the...
View ArticleCreated Issue: [HelpPage Accessibility] Add language attribute to html files...
HelpPage and in general the template generated Web Application is not having the ‘lang’ attribute in its html files. We need to add this attribute to satisfy __MAS 41 – Language Content__Attached a...
View ArticleCreated Issue: [HelpPage Accessibility]Satisfy Visible Text Contrast...
HelpPage currently fails for __MAS 17 – Visible Text Contrast__ rule.__Attached__ a document with more information.
View ArticleCreated Issue: [HelpPage Accessibility]Printouts in high contrast mode are...
After going into high contrast mode, when I print pages, I see that the text in the printouts is very light. I can share the print outs before and after the high contrast changes. I am sure that the...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [HelpPage Accessibility]Printouts in high contrast mode are...
After going into high contrast mode, when I print pages, I see that the text in the printouts is very light. I can share the print outs before and after the high contrast changes. I am sure that the...
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