Edited Unassigned: StreamContent#ReadAsString is affected by stream position...
Calling ReadAsStreamAsync and then manipulating the resulting stream will change the data that's used by other ReadAs* methods on StreamContent. What's worse is that StreamContent does buffering, so...
View ArticleEdited Issue: ValidationResult returned from CustomValidation method with...
Porting from https://aspnet.codeplex.com/workitem/7765:I found that if you implement a validation check like below, the error message is printed with @Html.ValidationSummary(true), but, not with the...
View ArticleEdited Feature: DisplayFormat attribute not applied to editable html helpers...
Porting from https://aspnet.codeplex.com/workitem/5436:When attempting to use the DisplayFormat attribute on an editable form element using html helpers (i.e, Html.Textbox, Html.TextboxFor), the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Possible Issue - Conflict between Cors in Web API &...
Just wanted to make everyone aware of a potential issue with a possible conflict between the CORS functionality in Web Api V2 & Microsoft.Owin.Cors (v 2.1 Pre-Release). I needed CORS functionality...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Help page font flickers on navigating to service url or help...
I have seen this happening on and off. You can find the repro url here - \\\\bpdfiles01\CommonShare\kirthik\HelpPageIssue1.wmv Comments: Typos fixed in commit...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Help page font flickers on navigating to service url or help...
I have seen this happening on and off. You can find the repro url here - \\\\bpdfiles01\CommonShare\kirthik\HelpPageIssue1.wmv
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Possible Issue - Conflict between Cors in Web API &...
Just wanted to make everyone aware of a potential issue with a possible conflict between the CORS functionality in Web Api V2 & Microsoft.Owin.Cors (v 2.1 Pre-Release). I needed CORS functionality...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Html.Partial or RenderPartial with NULL value gets passed the...
// Copied from https://aspnet.codeplex.com/workitem/8872// Vote number : 32If I render a partial from a view and pass a null value the base model type gets passed rather than the model / value I...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Consider adding IConvertible support to Delta [1554]
It's somewhat possible to deserialize Delta<T> with Json.Net, and we've posted a sample of how to do this to show a full solution. It would get a lot of users closer if we added support for...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Publishing Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client fails on symbolsource...
Publishing the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client package to symbol source fails with the following error:Pushing Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client 5.0.0-beta2 to the symbol server...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Publishing Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client fails on...
Publishing the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client package to symbol source fails with the following error:Pushing Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client 5.0.0-beta2 to the symbol server...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Help page font flickers on navigating to service url or help...
I have seen this happening on and off. You can find the repro url here - \\\\bpdfiles01\CommonShare\kirthik\HelpPageIssue1.wmv Comments: Verified.
View ArticleEdited Issue: Some unit tests fail if UI Culture is set to non en-US [1447]
Several unit tests (currently 79) are failing on Assert.Equal(...) call where the text to compare is hard coded in English but the running Thread UICulture is e.g. de-DE.ExampleFact:...
View ArticleClosed Issue: CORS AttributeBasedPolicyProviderFactory provides incomplete...
When AttributeBasedPolicyProviderFactory provides an HttpControllerContext, it does not include a controller instance, unlike all other controller contexts. Consumers can expect this invariant...
View ArticleCreated Task: Fix test break of ODataFormatterTests and PrimitiveTypeTests...
Migrate to ODL v4, some test break on ODataFormatterTests and PrimitiveTypeTests. Please fix them and let the test pass.
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Possible Issue - Conflict between Cors in Web API &...
Just wanted to make everyone aware of a potential issue with a possible conflict between the CORS functionality in Web Api V2 & Microsoft.Owin.Cors (v 2.1 Pre-Release). I needed CORS functionality...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: MQ: Find a technique for testing strings that isn't...
This is an MQ ideaCurrently in MVC we have tests that rely on BCL error messages, which breaks the experience for users in cultures. Since the non-English strings are returned from the BCL components,...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: MQ: Find a technique for testing strings that isn't...
This is an MQ ideaCurrently in MVC we have tests that rely on BCL error messages, which breaks the experience for users in cultures. Since the non-English strings are returned from the BCL components,...
View ArticleClosed Issue: MQ: Microsoft.Web.FxCop builds against the wrong FxCop version...
When a machine has both Dev11 and Dev12 installed, Microsoft.Web.FxCop.csproj builds against the Dev12 version of the binaries but is run by the Dev11 version of FxCopCmd.exe. This causes CodeAnalysis...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Fix errors in OData resource strings [1557]
Some resources in the OData contain errors that need to be corrected for localization:CollectionPropertiesMustReturnIEnumerable: CollectionProperties must implement IEnumerable<>. The Property...
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