Commented Issue: Complex ModelBinding error/issue [904]
Given a classpublic class SearchRepresentation{ public string Search { get; set; } public string Code { get; set; }}and a Controller method in controller SomeControllerpublic SomeReturnType...
View ArticleCommented Issue: FormDataCollectionExtensions provides incomplete context [1287]
FormDataCollectionExtensions (CreateActionContextForModelBinding) uses an incomplete HttpControllerContext, with only the configuration set (it calls the unit test-only constructor). Consumers normally...
View ArticleEdited Task: MQ - Update our nuget targets to use the new restore command [1468]
Based on Pranav's feedback, our nuget package restore integration does things the old way - there's a more performant way to do it once you have NuGet 2.7. He's suggested some changes for our build...
View ArticleEdited Issue: CORS AttributeBasedPolicyProviderFactory provides incomplete...
When AttributeBasedPolicyProviderFactory provides an HttpControllerContext, it does not include a controller instance, unlike all other controller contexts. Consumers can expect this invariant...
View ArticleEdited Issue: FormDataCollectionExtensions provides incomplete context [1287]
FormDataCollectionExtensions (CreateActionContextForModelBinding) uses an incomplete HttpControllerContext, with only the configuration set (it calls the unit test-only constructor). Consumers normally...
View ArticleEdited Issue: ApiExplorer should add query parameters for complex FromUri...
Currently the ApiExplorer handles adding query parameters to the RelativePath, but only for simple types. It should also handle this for complex FromUri types. Going one level deep on the properties is...
View ArticleEdited Feature: Client-side validation of [MaxLength] [1476]
Client-side validation is enabled for the StringLengthAttribute. Could it also be enabled for...
View ArticleEdited Issue: GenerationRoute does not return the same values as innerRoute...
Hi,properties (_RouteTemplate_, _Defaults_, _Constraints_, _DataTokens_ and _Handler_) of the __GenerationRoute__ from System.Web.Http.Routing should return the same values as innerRoute. The...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: SampleGeneration in HelpPage not working for PageResult...
On the following page it's described that for non-OData formats it is possible to support next-page links and inline count, by wrapping the query results in a PageResult<T> object....
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: SampleGeneration in HelpPage not working for PageResult...
On the following page it's described that for non-OData formats it is possible to support next-page links and inline count, by wrapping the query results in a PageResult<T> object....
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: QueryableAttribute does not work when result model...
This initially looked like an Entity Framework problem, but the fact that the problem only occurs when OData parameters are included in the request makes me think it's probably an issue with the...
View ArticleEdited Feature: Provide ability to supply friendly Title for actions [520]
Currently we use the name of the Action even for the Title when advertising them. Provide ability to supply friendly Title for actions.Example(the title "Create Order" below):--------{"d":{...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Conventional builder should throw error when it cannot find a...
In this scenario, I generated a DbFirst model from Northwind database. For the following 2 classes which were autogenerated, the model builder is not able to figure out the keys(as expected), but the...
View ArticleEdited Issue: PushstreamContent in Win8 App is not working [324]
I am hitting an issue with using PushStreamContent in the Windows store app. I don’t see the same issue in the traditional console app though. It’s a simple scenario where I am ‘POST’ing some small...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [HelpPage]Null ref exception when using UriPathExtensionMapping...
_Scenario_:I am trying to use UriPathExtensionMapping in my app so that I can request response in json or xml by using uri rather than accept header when i am using a browser._Issue_: Help page UI...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Web API OData Error: The complex type 'S' refers to the...
I am testing building an OData feed with ASP.NET WebAPI in Visual Studio 2013. I am using the following versions:* .NET 4.5* Entity Framework 6.0.2-beta1* ODataLib 5.6.0I am getting the following error...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Limitations on Orderby don't work [1474]
When you set some properties as unorderable, they don't get respected unless you add at least a property in the AllowedOrderByProperties property of the ODataQueryOptions instance.
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Projection and $expand results in The argument to...
When exposing an OData service with a 'projected' DTO model, $expand on a To-One relationship throws a "The argument to DbIsNullExpression must refer to a primitive, enumeration or reference type."...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Parsing the generated KeyValue in the KeyValuePathSegment...
We are parsing the generated key-value in the KeyValuePathSegment. This should be done lazily for performance
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: KeyValueParser doesn't handle '=' properly [1458]
When trying to parse the a key whose value is '=', KeyValueParser fails.
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