Edited Issue: ReadAsMultipartAsync returns result before all files have been...
We trying to perform validation of the files which have been processed by ReadAsMultipartAsync, but sometimes on the attempts to open file for reading IOException is throwing, like this:The process...
View ArticleEdited Issue: The format of value 'application/json; charset=utf-8' is...
I found this error happening when trying to do a Unit testing or sometimes integeration with Web API public void Should_Get_The_Collection_State_url_for_reloading_the_List(){ var configuration = new...
View ArticleEdited Issue: The format of value 'application/json; charset=utf-8' is...
I found this error happening when trying to do a Unit testing or sometimes integeration with Web API public void Should_Get_The_Collection_State_url_for_reloading_the_List(){ var configuration = new...
View ArticleEdited Issue: per-controller configuration [117]
Basically, we have the problem today that a controller may require a special service for basic operation. For example, it may require a special set of Formatters, IActionValueBinder, or other parameter...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Progress Notifications should support more than 2G of bytes...
In progress notifications, bytes received and bytes sent should be Int64 and not Int32 as they contain the cumulative values of the number of bytes received or sent and not just the number immediately...
View ArticleEdited Issue: ASP.NET Web API does not call GetRouteData for custom...
Here is the issue explained and a repro http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12544150/asp-net-web-api-rtm-and-subdomain-routes
View ArticleEdited Issue: WebAPI should return a 415 instead of a 500 when it can't find...
We currently get:<Error><Message>An exception has occurred.</Message><ExceptionMessage>No MediaTypeFormatter is available to read an object of type 'ZumoAppInput' from content...
View ArticleEdited Issue: IncludeErrorDetailPolicy has no effect in some circumstances [267]
Hi there, please find attached my demonstration that under some circumstances, Web API returns a HTTP 500 and a zero-length response. I believe that the framework should provide some error...
View ArticleEdited Feature: Error when using ODataQueryOptions with primitive return...
Scenario:I have a Persons controller, which is a regular Web API controller and not based on OData.I would like users to be able to supply queryable options on Person and only return small amounts of...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: CompareAttributeAdapter should be fixed and made public...
I (and probably many others) have the need to localize the Compare attribute's error message. So far this is not possible for the Compare attribute, like with the Required attribute using my own class...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: CompareAttribute ErrorMessage is not working in MVC 5? [1463]
Currently there is a bug in ASP.NET MVC 5 which is not taking care of System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.CompareAttribute.ErrorMessage. When I dive into source, I found that...
View ArticleCreated Feature: Decouple attribute routing from attributes [1464]
Attribute routing (or rather, direct routing) shouldn't necessarily be tied to attributes. Just like filter providers can be used to get filters from other places, the same should be true for attribute...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Dealing with Route Collisions in Att. Based Routing [1403]
Hi,For the sake of definition, I'm defining "collision" as 'distinct controllers registering the same route via the new attribute based routing feature'.In my company we've opted to use a header to...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: RedirectToAction doesn't work correctly with...
```[RouteArea("Articles", AreaPrefix = "admin/article-category")] public class CategoryAdminController : BaseAdminController{[Route("list")] public ActionResult ListCategory(){ return...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Dealing with Route Collisions in Att. Based Routing [1403]
Hi,For the sake of definition, I'm defining "collision" as 'distinct controllers registering the same route via the new attribute based routing feature'.In my company we've opted to use a header to...
View ArticleEdited Issue: HelpPage shows 'void' in resource description [1446]
I am using "[ResponseType(typeof(void))]" on actions which do not have content. Happens on C# and VB. This is a regression after recent changes.__Attached__ the snapshot.
View ArticleClosed Issue: HelpPage shows 'void' in resource description [1446]
I am using "[ResponseType(typeof(void))]" on actions which do not have content. Happens on C# and VB. This is a regression after recent changes.__Attached__ the snapshot.Comments: Verified with latest...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Validators in WebPages Do Not Work When Using @RenderPage [446]
In the Web Pages framework, if I browse directly to a page that contains a form, validation works as intended. If I call the page from another page using RenderPage, the ValidationSummary and...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Microsoft.Web.Helpers.Facebook - LikeBox dont work [286]
LikeBox function use "http://www.facebook.com/plugins/recommendations.php" instead "likebox.php"
View ArticleEdited Issue: Webgrid and sorting on a column with null values (MVC3) [138]
The problem is based on the following example (borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2290436/linq-orderby-breaks-with-navigation-property-being-null) :table Users -> has basic user info...
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