Edited Issue: Tracing extension methods should interpret...
The ITraceWriter extension methods trace all exceptions at TraceLevel.Error, which is often incorrect when the exception is HttpResponseException (which could hold warning or success codes). Even a...
View ArticleClosed Issue: MVC Attribute Routes for Actions should have higher precedence...
Given the following controllers, I would expect a url like: /admin/Cool?id=99 to be generated when I ask for the url to 'Foo'/'Index'. However in this case the route for the controller-level attribute...
View ArticleEdited Issue: ODataMediaTypeFormatter doesn't deserialize aliased navigation...
Repro steps1) Create an OData model with a navigation property.2) Alias the navigation property.3) Do a POST request to the service including the entity and the related navigation property in the payload.
View ArticleEdited Issue: ODataConventionModelBuilder should respect the explicitly...
1) Create a model and use DataContract attribute and DataMember to alias the type name, the type namespace and the properties.2) Explicitly configure the renamed elements using the convention...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Mark old HttpMessageHandlerAdapter constructor as obsolete [1438]
The old constructor would only have been used for advanced scenarios where the caller was manually choosing which HttpMessageHandler and IHostBufferPolicySelector to use to connect Web API with OWIN....
View ArticleCommented Issue: Mark old HttpMessageHandlerAdapter constructor as obsolete...
The old constructor would only have been used for advanced scenarios where the caller was manually choosing which HttpMessageHandler and IHostBufferPolicySelector to use to connect Web API with OWIN....
View ArticleCreated Issue: HttpContent.ReadAsMultipartAsync disposes content stream [1444]
Calling HttpContentMultipartExtensions.ReadAsMultipartAsync incorrectly disposes of the content's stream. This appears to be a breaking change from Web API v1 to v2.
View ArticleCreated Issue: Make MapMvcAttributeRoutes unit testable [1445]
MapMvcAttributeRoutes requires the list of controllers in order to enumerate the attribute routes. The current implementation doesn't allow customizing the service used to provide the controller list....
View ArticleClosed Issue: Provider indexer to access items in the portable...
Currently the portable version of NameValueCollection called “HttpValueCollection” does not provide an Indexer to get access the items… an indexer into the collection like values[“p1”] would be more...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Mark old HttpMessageHandlerAdapter constructor as obsolete [1438]
The old constructor would only have been used for advanced scenarios where the caller was manually choosing which HttpMessageHandler and IHostBufferPolicySelector to use to connect Web API with OWIN....
View ArticleCommented Issue: Flow the ClientDisconnectedToken in Web Host [858]
With [this commit](http://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/c18dbd8306a2), it's now possible to flow the following two CancellationToken objects through the ASP.NET Web API pipeline...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Poor error message when a collection property is null [1328]
I get the following error when I have an entity with a nullable collection:System.ArgumentException occurred _HResult=-2147024809 _message=The argument must be of type 'IEnumerable'....
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: OutputCache to ignore options in ChildAction within [1411]
OutputCache seems to be ignoring the Location option in ChildAction within.If you specify, such as OutputCacheLocation.None, the option not to cache on the server side, the server tries to cache the...
View ArticleEdited Issue: HttpContent.ReadAsMultipartAsync disposes content stream [1444]
Calling HttpContentMultipartExtensions.ReadAsMultipartAsync incorrectly disposes of the content's stream. This appears to be a breaking change from Web API v1 to v2.
View ArticleEdited Issue: Make MapMvcAttributeRoutes unit testable [1445]
MapMvcAttributeRoutes requires the list of controllers in order to enumerate the attribute routes. The current implementation doesn't allow customizing the service used to provide the controller list....
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Roundtripping DBNull value using Bsonformatter thrown an...
Value I am roundtripping - DBNull.ValueAll Webapi action (POST) does is return the value.Exception{"Error writing Null value. BSON must start with an Object or Array. Path ''."}Stack Trace: at...
View ArticleEdited Issue: EditorFor converts DateTimeOffset property to text type instead...
Modelpublic class MyModel{ public int MyModelId { get; set; } public DateTime DateTime1 { get; set; } public DateTimeOffset DateTimeOffset1 { get; set; }}I scaffolded mvc5 controller and view. On F5,...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Custom Xml and Json formatters : Overriding writetostreamasync...
I am trying to customize the out of the box Xml and Json formatters by overriding WriteToStreamAsync methods taking in cancellation token._Issue_: My overridden methods do not get called. This is...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Web API Help Page generates incorrect HTML id attribute [1387]
__Problem__The latest help page generates the following> <h2 id="System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerDescriptor">ControllerName</h2>__Expected Result__> <h2...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [HelpPage]Change Mvc assembly version reference in Web.config...
Change the config file located at "\HelpPage\Views\Web.config" to have following version information in it:System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Version=
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