Closed Feature: Provide a way to specify actual return type for actions...
OData and HelpPage areas are effected by this:__OData____Error__:{"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"Cannot create an EDM model as the action 'Get' on controller 'Customers' has a...
View ArticleClosed Issue: [AttributeRouting]Action having multiple attributes should have...
For the following action:```[HttpPost("api/values/path1")][HttpGet("api/values/path2")] public void DoSomething(){}```Currently the routes in the collection are like following:RouteTemplate:...
View ArticleClosed Issue: In MVC attribute routing, ignoring route prefix fails when '~/'...
__Scenario__:User likes to make the HomeController's Index as the default view when anyone visits like ""__Issue__:I am receiving the following validation error for the following...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Post error: Either BinaryRead, Form, Files, or InputStream was...
See full [question in Stackoverflow]( performing the downgrade webapi, it...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Don't use ClientDisconnectedToken on Web Host yet [1179]
HttpResponseBase.ClientDisconnectedToken currently has reliability problems. We shouldn't use it until as our cancellationToken in Web API WebHost until these problems are fixed.Comments: This is fixed.
View ArticleClosed Issue: Cancellation token should be flowed into the following Web API...
View ArticleClosed Issue: jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js using deprecated live() method [318]
As of jquery 1.7, live() has been deprecated.
View ArticleClosed Issue: Add extension method to HttpRequestMessage so that user can...
Internally, we have save the IsLocal result in the HttpRequestMessage's property bag. Here are where we populate them.SelfHost: HttpSelfHostServer.ProcessRequestContext()// Add information about...
View ArticleCommented Issue: mvc facebooktemplate causes...
Been following the tutorial for the new facebook mvc template from even with the basic app template I'm unable to get it to run as it just flags the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: mvc facebooktemplate causes...
Been following the tutorial for the new facebook mvc template from even with the basic app template I'm unable to get it to run as it just flags the...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Hiding controller from showing up on HelpPage does not...
__Scenario__:User does not like to show up a controller on HelpPage (ex: EntitySetController in OData), so he would like to use setting like [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi=true)] on the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Hiding controller from showing up on HelpPage does not...
__Scenario__:User does not like to show up a controller on HelpPage (ex: EntitySetController in OData), so he would like to use setting like [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi=true)] on the...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: CreateOrUpdateOAuthAccount inserts without upper, updates...
CreateOrUpdateOAuthAccount in WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleMembershipProvider contains the following code:```if (oldUserId == -1){// account doesn't exist. create a new one. int insert = db.Execute(@"INSERT...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: CreateOrUpdateOAuthAccount inserts without upper,...
CreateOrUpdateOAuthAccount in WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleMembershipProvider contains the following code:```if (oldUserId == -1){// account doesn't exist. create a new one. int insert = db.Execute(@"INSERT...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Hiding controller from showing up on HelpPage does not...
__Scenario__:User does not like to show up a controller on HelpPage (ex: EntitySetController in OData), so he would like to use setting like [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi=true)] on the...
View ArticleEdited Task: MQ: Make build/analyze/test fully incremental [1190]
Ensure all phases of the build are fully incremental, including:1. Compile2. Run Code Analysis (FxCop)3. Run StyleCop4. Run Unit testsIf I change product code that is only referenced by two unit test...
View ArticleEdited Task: Find a home for Url.IsLocalToHost [1189]
WebPages has RequestExtensions.IsUrlLocalToHost. We need something we can use from Web API and OWIN (not tied to any framework intrinsics). The hard part is figuring out where to put it. There are...
View ArticleEdited Feature: Provide a NoContent method in ApiController to specify 204...
It's something good to have out of the box
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: HttpDirectRoute is missing a ctor that takes a...
As HttpRoute has a ctor that takes a handler, HttpDirectRoute should also have a ctor that takes a handler. Or should per route message handlers be approached differently when using attributed...
View ArticleEdited Issue: ASP.NET WebPages 2 - Validation bug [1120]
Hi, the validation does not seem to work correctly in ASP.NET WebPages 2. I created a form and then used the RenderPage method to render that page into another page however on submit the validation...
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