Closed Issue: Methods with matrix parameters are not shown in help page [1122]
Our team decided to use standard query parameters in URIs only for sorting and paging and other non filtering actions on resources. For filtering we want to use matrix parameters.Since it is not...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Set metadata url in ODataMediaTypeFormatter for...
The current code for ODataMediaTypeFormatter contains the following code fragment:```// The MetadataDocumentUri is never required for errors. Additionally, it sometimes won't be available// for errors,...
View ArticleCommented Feature: Help Page: Expand documentation [1004]
The "Documentation" property in the ApiDescription and ApiParameterDescription should be expanded to include more XmlComment tags than just "<summary>".Specifically, it should at least include...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Depend upon abstractions instead of concrete implementations...
For example, EdmEntityObjectCollections constructor takes a IList<EdmObject> instead of a List<IEdmObject>. This limit the ability for third parties to provide their own untyped...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Depend upon abstractions instead of concrete implementations...
For example, EdmEntityObjectCollections constructor takes a IList<EdmObject> instead of a List<IEdmObject>. This limit the ability for third parties to provide their own untyped...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Web API: Improve resolution of ApiController types [1075]
If an assembly A contains ApiControllers and it references another assembly B that does not contain ApiControllers and this assembly B is not found (because it is not installed for example) controller...
View ArticleClosed Feature: HttpHeaders collections should benefit from IEnumerable...
Every HttpHeaders collections access from HttpRequestHeaders, HttpResponseHeaders, HttpContentHeaders that takes one of these type parameter:MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue ,...
View ArticleEdited Feature: HttpHeaders collections should benefit from IEnumerable...
Every HttpHeaders collections access from HttpRequestHeaders, HttpResponseHeaders, HttpContentHeaders that takes one of these type parameter:MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue ,...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [CORS] The origin URL in CORS in setting should be normalized...
URL like and should treated as same origin [1]. It is not true in current implementation. We compare the CORS origin literally without normalizing the...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [CORS] Consider attaching error message in failed preflight...
A failed preflight request returns 400 or 404 with none error message. It is hard to debug from client. CORS Spec does not define what we can put in error preflight response's body [1]. Consider add...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HttpActionExecutedContext.Response setter throws exception...
Simple object initializer setting the response property```var context = new HttpActionExecutedContext{ Response = new Http.HttpResponseMessage()};```throws an...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: [OData] Deserialization should fail when a required field...
Having an entity like the following:``` public class UntypedCustomer{ public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public virtual IList<UntypedOrder> Orders { get; set; } public...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Set metadata url in ODataMediaTypeFormatter for...
The current code for ODataMediaTypeFormatter contains the following code fragment:```// The MetadataDocumentUri is never required for errors. Additionally, it sometimes won't be available// for errors,...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: In OWIN environment, for some cases 404 response does not...
__Scenario__: User has a Katana based selfhosted application and is making a request to a non-existing controller__Issue__: Response body does not have the detailed error message that Web API usually...
View ArticleEdited Task: MQ: Update to latest NuGet.targets [1172]
NuGet package restore requires having a checked-in copy of NuGet.targets. We haven't updated ours in a while.Also, we should examine how the EF team handles interation between NuGet.targets and...
View ArticleEdited Task: MQ: Move xUnit build logic out into a NuGet package [1171]
Instead of having a custom, private copy of xUnit build system (test runner) logic (WebStack.xunit.targets), create a standard xUnit targets NuGet package (and share it with other projects such as EF)....
View ArticleEdited Task: MQ: Move StyleCop build logic out into a NuGet package [1170]
Instead of having a custom, private copy of StyleCop build logic (WebStack.StyleCop.targets), create a standard StyleCop targets NuGet package (that could be shared by others projects such as EF). Also...
View ArticleEdited Issue: PushStreamContent not working under Self hosting server [1169]
The code below it is supposed to write into the console the value of the current datetime every one second. It doesn't. But if the controller is hosted under IIS (instead of under SHS), it works...
View ArticleCommented Issue: PushStreamContent not working under Self hosting server [1169]
The code below it is supposed to write into the console the value of the current datetime every one second. It doesn't. But if the controller is hosted under IIS (instead of under SHS), it works...
View ArticleEdited Issue: request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync() throws an...
If a part of a multipart message contains two Content-Type headers, request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync() throws the following:System.InvalidOperationException: Error parsing MIME multipart body part...
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