Created Issue: Can't set navigation property as required when using...
For example, I want to set one of the navigation property to be required: public class Todo { public int Id { get; set; } public Person CreatedBy { get; set; } } public class Person { public int...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Can't customize navigation link builder in...
For example, I want to change the navigation property link by providing my own link builder code:public class Todo{public int Id { get; set; }public Person CreatedBy { get; set; }}public class...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Can't customize navigation link builder in...
For example, I want to change the navigation property link by providing my own link builder code:public class Todo{public int Id { get; set; }public Person CreatedBy { get; set; }}public class...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Can't customize navigation link builder in...
For example, I want to change the navigation property link by providing my own link builder code:public class Todo{public int Id { get; set; }public Person CreatedBy { get; set; }}public class...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Can't set navigation property as required when using...
For example, I want to set one of the navigation property to be required: public class Todo { public int Id { get; set; } public Person CreatedBy { get; set; } } public class Person { public int...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Can't set navigation property as required when using...
For example, I want to set one of the navigation property to be required: public class Todo { public int Id { get; set; } public Person CreatedBy { get; set; } } public class Person { public int...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Can't modify key after convention model builder added entity [471]
After ODataConventionModelBuilder add an entity, user can't change the key property to another one.For example: public class Todo { public int TodoID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } }var...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Can't modify key after convention model builder added entity...
After ODataConventionModelBuilder add an entity, user can't change the key property to another one.For example: public class Todo { public int TodoID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } }var...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Model builder allowing duplicate function names for Actions [469]
According to OData spec, we cannot have duplicate function names for Actions within a container. Notice that in the below example, the action "UpdateName" is present twice"MUST not have a declaring...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Make entity set name case insensitive [465]
Currently, when requesting http://localhost:50232/todoes (where entity set name is Todoes) doesn't report any error and the feed is serialized correctly in response. However, no links are generated on...
View ArticleEdited Issue: ODataEntityTypeSerializer closes connection when error happens...
The issue happens when some data from server side missing some required property. The validation error is: Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException occurred HResult=-2146233079 Message=The property...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ODataEntityTypeSerializer closes connection when error...
The issue happens when some data from server side missing some required property. The validation error is: Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException occurred HResult=-2146233079 Message=The property...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Provide api to make Action parameters Nullable [461]
For the following action, I would like to make the parameter 'p3' nullable. Currently, there is no api on the ActionConfiguration which can make it Optional or Nullable. var actionConfig =...
View ArticleEdited Issue: IsConcurrencyToken(true) doesn't output etag attribute on edm...
The method is not working when set property as concurrency token.For example: builder .Entity<Vehicle>() .Abstract() .HasKey(v => v.Name) .HasKey(v => v.Model) .Property(v =>...
View ArticleCommented Issue: IsConcurrencyToken(true) doesn't output etag attribute on...
The method is not working when set property as concurrency token.For example: builder .Entity<Vehicle>() .Abstract() .HasKey(v => v.Name) .HasKey(v => v.Model) .Property(v =>...
View ArticleCommented Issue: [DataMember(IsRequired=true)] doesn't make property as...
Since we already support [Required], we should support this as well.For example: [DataContract] public class Vehicle { [Key] [DataMember] public int Model { get; set; } [Key] [DataMember] public string...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [DataMember(IsRequired=true)] doesn't make property as required...
Since we already support [Required], we should support this as well.For example: [DataContract] public class Vehicle { [Key] [DataMember] public int Model { get; set; } [Key] [DataMember] public string...
View ArticleEdited Issue: [DataMember(IsRequired=true)] doesn't make property as required...
Since we already support [Required], we should support this as well.For example: [DataContract] public class Vehicle { [Key] [DataMember] public int Model { get; set; } [Key] [DataMember] public string...
View ArticleEdited Issue: QueryableAttribute doesn't support query on public field [441]
To repro:public class Movie{ public string Name = null;}public class MoviesController : ApiController{ [Queryable] public IEnumerable<Movie> Get() { return new Movie[] { new Movie { Name = "Test"...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Allow membership and roles table names to be specified [404]
The Internet Application template in VS 2012 now includes DotNetOpenAuth by default, and adds an InitializeSimpleMembership attribute that decorates the AccountController class. While you need to pass...
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