Closed Issue: Model validation fails on property of type System.Type [225]
The model binder that processes the request body validates the data using validator defined in 'BodyModelValidator'. The default implementation 'DefaultBodyModelValidator' recursively iterates the...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Handle byte[]s better in the DefaultBodyModelValidator [891]
A customer has reported performance problems with the DefaultBodyModelValidator over large byte arrays (2 MB). We should handle this better.Comments: Verified.
View ArticleClosed Issue: Model-binding collection fails when non-collection property...
Given a collection property named "foos" and another property named "foosBar" on an object being model-bound, because of the implementation of the PrefixContainer (specifically the IsPrefixMatch...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ViewContext.Writer.Write() inside @helper writes directly to...
I'm trying to get result of @helper method as variable without writing it to the view (I'm going to do it later after some transformations). And inside this helper I'm using extension to the HtmlHelper...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Error in web.config for areas added to Empty ASP.NET MVC 4...
Starting out with an empty MVC 4 application, System.Web.Optimizations.dll is not referenced.In the web.config in an area's views folder, line 18 adds the <add...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Value validator should swallow exceptions from getters when...
Otherwise the exception bubbles up and request failsComments: We should check that relative URIs are fixed when this is addressed.
View ArticleClosed Issue: BodyModelValidator fails on relative URIs [269]
The value validator should instead either record a model error for that property or ignore it, but not bubble it up.Stack Trace:Exception:ExceptionType: System.InvalidOperationExceptionMessage: This...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Dictionary model binder throws exception when no values present...
This was working fine in MVC 3, I'm not sure if this is an intended change or not.In MVC4, the model binder cannot properly bind a Dictionary<> if the form was submitted with no values. Consider...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Dictionary model binder throws exception when no values...
This was working fine in MVC 3, I'm not sure if this is an intended change or not.In MVC4, the model binder cannot properly bind a Dictionary<> if the form was submitted with no values. Consider...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Dictionary model binder throws exception when no values present...
This was working fine in MVC 3, I'm not sure if this is an intended change or not.In MVC4, the model binder cannot properly bind a Dictionary<> if the form was submitted with no values. Consider...
View ArticleClosed Issue: WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount IDictionary casting [870]
The WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount method checks for an input on the propertyValues parameter and converts it to a RouteValueDictionary before it is passed on to the ExtendedMembershipProvider.When...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Bug: serialisation-deserialisation loses UserAgent.Count [303]
When I deserialise-serialise-deserialise and compare request and request2 in code below, UserAgent header has the correct .ToString() value but count is 0. So my unit test was failing: var stream = new...
View ArticleClosed Feature: More virtual extensibility to XmlMediaTypeFormatter and make...
I'm going to try and keep this brief - but it might be difficult.In the project I'm writing at the moment, I've customised the XML formatter to correctly serialize an instance based on it's actual type...
View ArticleClosed Issue: XElement is not working with DefaultBodyModelValidator [800]
The scenario broken is that if defining XElement property in odata entity type, POST or PUT the entity will result in failure. The error message is:PUT...
View ArticleClosed Issue: ~/ url resolution [58]
@Razor 2 "~/" is not exactly Url.Content()I've had a wiered scenario where I created new Site in IIS and mapped 2 applications to 2 different sites /old/ and /new/. Also I've set up some rewriting...
View ArticleClosed Feature: Fully support JSON light [664]
Currently we only support some payload kinds and some metadata levels and only writing. We should support the remaining payload kinds, metadata levels (minimal, no, streaming=true) and reading.
View ArticleClosed Feature: ASP.NET web API $expand [803]
From reviewing the release notes and other available documentation, and based on some testing a few weeks ago with the source for web API odata, it seems that $expand is not supported, but there seems...
View ArticleClosed Issue: ODataFormatters should share the serializer and deserializer...
serializer and deserializer providers cache the serializers. It would be better if we can avoid multiple copies of them.Comments: verified
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Batching handlers should copy properties from batch...
WebApi-on-Owin's HttpMessageHandlerAdapter populates following properties on an incoming request:MS_RetrieveClientCertificateDelegateMS_IsLocalWhen a batching request comes in these are populated on...
View ArticleClosed Feature: missing serializer for entityreferencelinks [694]
we need to serialize Uri[] to entityreferencelinks.Comments: verified
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