Currently when accessing an entity via it's derived type using a cast ODataPath the action selector with pick the action on the controller for the base entity (or fail if missing). It would be nice if it would instead look for the action on the controller based on the cast first, and then fall back to the base entity controller's action if missing.
This would effectively simulate virtual/override semantics in a logical way on controllers...
Comments: Yes you can, though I'm not sure how efficiently the fall-through semantics can be implemented, as the pattern is pick a controller, pick an action. This is a suggestion for altering the default behaviour of the existing controller selection for entityset routing. It probably needs careful consideration, but I believe it's more intuitive.
This would effectively simulate virtual/override semantics in a logical way on controllers...
Comments: Yes you can, though I'm not sure how efficiently the fall-through semantics can be implemented, as the pattern is pick a controller, pick an action. This is a suggestion for altering the default behaviour of the existing controller selection for entityset routing. It probably needs careful consideration, but I believe it's more intuitive.