I have an entity with following property:
public float FloatProperty { get; set; }
When I try to query data from it using my OData contoller like
[http://localhost/WebApi/EntityWithSimpleTypes?$filter=round(FloatProperty) eq 1](link)
I get an exception.
It seems the float argument is converted to Nullable<double> to make a call to Round method there. But there are two Round methods and wrong one is selected (i.e. Round(decimal))
I suppose the float argument should be converted to double or proper methods need to be selected for nullable type
Comments: Here is some code to observe for entity and controller: ``` public class Entity { public int Key { get; set; } public float? Data { get; set; } } public class EntitiesController : EntitySetController<Entity, int> { [Queryable] public override IQueryable<Entity> Get() { return new[] {new Entity {Key = 1, Data = 6.2f}, new Entity {Key = 2, Data = -3.12f}, new Entity {Key = 3, Data = 0f}} .AsQueryable(); } protected override Entity GetEntityByKey(int key) { return new Entity {Key = key, Data = 6.25f}; } } ``` The registration is simple as well: ``` public static class WebApiConfig { public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) { var modelBuilder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder(); EntityTypeConfiguration configuration = modelBuilder.AddEntity(typeof(Entity)); configuration.HasKey(typeof(Entity).GetProperty("Key")); modelBuilder.AddEntitySet("Entities", configuration); config.Routes.MapODataRoute("WebApi", "WebApi", modelBuilder.GetEdmModel()); } } ``` To test that I have a separate project with certain infrastructure: ``` [TestClass] public class EntitiesControllerTest { private HttpServer _server; private HttpClient _client; private const string DefaultContentType = "application/atom+xml"; private const string JsonContentType = "application/json"; private const string Value = "value"; [TestInitialize] public void Setup() { HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration(); _server = new HttpServer(httpConfiguration); _client = new HttpClient(_server); httpConfiguration.EnsureInitialized(); WebApiConfig.Register(httpConfiguration); } private JObject ReadResponseAsJson(string uri) { HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = SendRequest(uri, JsonContentType); httpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var readResponseAsJson = ReadResponseAsJson(httpResponseMessage); if (readResponseAsJson != null) return readResponseAsJson; throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to retrieve json from response"); } private JObject ReadResponseAsJson(HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage) { ObjectContent content = httpResponseMessage.Content as ObjectContent; if (content != null) { var readAsStringAsync = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; return JObject.Parse(readAsStringAsync); } return null; } protected virtual HttpResponseMessage SendRequest(string uri, string acceptMediaType = DefaultContentType, HttpContent content = null, HttpMethod method = null, string acceptMediaParameter = null) { HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(method ?? HttpMethod.Get, uri); if (acceptMediaType != null) { MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue headerValue = new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue(acceptMediaType); if (acceptMediaParameter != null) { headerValue.Parameters.Add(new NameValueHeaderValue(acceptMediaParameter)); } httpRequestMessage.Headers.Accept.Add(headerValue); } httpRequestMessage.Content = content ?? new StringContent(string.Empty); HttpResponseMessage response = _client.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage).Result; return response; } [TestMethod] public void ODataApiShouldReturnMetadata() { JObject jo = ReadResponseAsJson("http://localhost/WebApi"); jo[Value].Count().Should().Be(1); jo[Value][0].Value<string>("url").Should().Be("Entities"); } [TestMethod] public void ODataApiShouldReturnEmptyResultSet() { JObject jo = ReadResponseAsJson("http://localhost/WebApi/Entities"); jo[Value].Count().Should().Be(3); } [TestMethod] public void ODataShouldNotFailOnRoungFloatProperty() { JObject jo = ReadResponseAsJson("http://localhost/WebApi/Entities?$filter=round(Data) eq 6f"); jo[Value].Count().Should().Be(1); } [TestMethod] public void ODataShouldNotFailOnCeilingFloatProperty() { JObject jo = ReadResponseAsJson("http://localhost/WebApi/Entities?$filter=ceiling(Data) eq 7f"); jo[Value].Count().Should().Be(1); } [TestMethod] public void ODataShouldNotFailOnFloorFloatProperty() { JObject jo = ReadResponseAsJson("http://localhost/WebApi/Entities?$filter=floor(Data) eq 6f"); jo[Value].Count().Should().Be(1); } } ``` It uses Fluent Assertions for asserts. MVC5.1 and WebApi2.1 are the same
public float FloatProperty { get; set; }
When I try to query data from it using my OData contoller like
[http://localhost/WebApi/EntityWithSimpleTypes?$filter=round(FloatProperty) eq 1](link)
I get an exception.
It seems the float argument is converted to Nullable<double> to make a call to Round method there. But there are two Round methods and wrong one is selected (i.e. Round(decimal))
I suppose the float argument should be converted to double or proper methods need to be selected for nullable type
Comments: Here is some code to observe for entity and controller: ``` public class Entity { public int Key { get; set; } public float? Data { get; set; } } public class EntitiesController : EntitySetController<Entity, int> { [Queryable] public override IQueryable<Entity> Get() { return new[] {new Entity {Key = 1, Data = 6.2f}, new Entity {Key = 2, Data = -3.12f}, new Entity {Key = 3, Data = 0f}} .AsQueryable(); } protected override Entity GetEntityByKey(int key) { return new Entity {Key = key, Data = 6.25f}; } } ``` The registration is simple as well: ``` public static class WebApiConfig { public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) { var modelBuilder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder(); EntityTypeConfiguration configuration = modelBuilder.AddEntity(typeof(Entity)); configuration.HasKey(typeof(Entity).GetProperty("Key")); modelBuilder.AddEntitySet("Entities", configuration); config.Routes.MapODataRoute("WebApi", "WebApi", modelBuilder.GetEdmModel()); } } ``` To test that I have a separate project with certain infrastructure: ``` [TestClass] public class EntitiesControllerTest { private HttpServer _server; private HttpClient _client; private const string DefaultContentType = "application/atom+xml"; private const string JsonContentType = "application/json"; private const string Value = "value"; [TestInitialize] public void Setup() { HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration(); _server = new HttpServer(httpConfiguration); _client = new HttpClient(_server); httpConfiguration.EnsureInitialized(); WebApiConfig.Register(httpConfiguration); } private JObject ReadResponseAsJson(string uri) { HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = SendRequest(uri, JsonContentType); httpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var readResponseAsJson = ReadResponseAsJson(httpResponseMessage); if (readResponseAsJson != null) return readResponseAsJson; throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to retrieve json from response"); } private JObject ReadResponseAsJson(HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage) { ObjectContent content = httpResponseMessage.Content as ObjectContent; if (content != null) { var readAsStringAsync = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; return JObject.Parse(readAsStringAsync); } return null; } protected virtual HttpResponseMessage SendRequest(string uri, string acceptMediaType = DefaultContentType, HttpContent content = null, HttpMethod method = null, string acceptMediaParameter = null) { HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(method ?? HttpMethod.Get, uri); if (acceptMediaType != null) { MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue headerValue = new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue(acceptMediaType); if (acceptMediaParameter != null) { headerValue.Parameters.Add(new NameValueHeaderValue(acceptMediaParameter)); } httpRequestMessage.Headers.Accept.Add(headerValue); } httpRequestMessage.Content = content ?? new StringContent(string.Empty); HttpResponseMessage response = _client.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage).Result; return response; } [TestMethod] public void ODataApiShouldReturnMetadata() { JObject jo = ReadResponseAsJson("http://localhost/WebApi"); jo[Value].Count().Should().Be(1); jo[Value][0].Value<string>("url").Should().Be("Entities"); } [TestMethod] public void ODataApiShouldReturnEmptyResultSet() { JObject jo = ReadResponseAsJson("http://localhost/WebApi/Entities"); jo[Value].Count().Should().Be(3); } [TestMethod] public void ODataShouldNotFailOnRoungFloatProperty() { JObject jo = ReadResponseAsJson("http://localhost/WebApi/Entities?$filter=round(Data) eq 6f"); jo[Value].Count().Should().Be(1); } [TestMethod] public void ODataShouldNotFailOnCeilingFloatProperty() { JObject jo = ReadResponseAsJson("http://localhost/WebApi/Entities?$filter=ceiling(Data) eq 7f"); jo[Value].Count().Should().Be(1); } [TestMethod] public void ODataShouldNotFailOnFloorFloatProperty() { JObject jo = ReadResponseAsJson("http://localhost/WebApi/Entities?$filter=floor(Data) eq 6f"); jo[Value].Count().Should().Be(1); } } ``` It uses Fluent Assertions for asserts. MVC5.1 and WebApi2.1 are the same