I have an entity with following property:
public float FloatProperty { get; set; }
When I try to query data from it using my OData contoller like
[http://localhost/WebApi/EntityWithSimpleTypes?$filter=round(FloatProperty) eq 1](link)
I get an exception.
It seems the float argument is converted to Nullable<double> to make a call to Round method there. But there are two Round methods and wrong one is selected (i.e. Round(decimal))
I suppose the float argument should be converted to double or proper methods need to be selected for nullable type
Comments: OK lets close this one. I tried to create my own simple case scenario to reproduce the issue but without any success so far. It seems to be some sort of problem with main project setup. Thanks.
public float FloatProperty { get; set; }
When I try to query data from it using my OData contoller like
[http://localhost/WebApi/EntityWithSimpleTypes?$filter=round(FloatProperty) eq 1](link)
I get an exception.
It seems the float argument is converted to Nullable<double> to make a call to Round method there. But there are two Round methods and wrong one is selected (i.e. Round(decimal))
I suppose the float argument should be converted to double or proper methods need to be selected for nullable type
Comments: OK lets close this one. I tried to create my own simple case scenario to reproduce the issue but without any success so far. It seems to be some sort of problem with main project setup. Thanks.