The embedded sql in WebMatrix.WebData\SimpleMembershipProvider.cs embeds MSSQLServer friendly brackets which are postgres/mysql unfriendly.
I use npgsql, and have adjust all the references to point at a postgressql database.
For those of us targeting deployment to the cloud employing non-microsoft database platforms, this results in errors getting thrown from the SimpleMembershipProvider (ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near "[").
A cursory scan of the aspnetwebstack solution file indicates that this is the only place where such sql injection mitigation techniques are employed.
As this feature is embedded so deeply into my MVC4 / VS2012 implementation, it would be ideal if a more database agnostic implementation was provided.
Comments: Please use the new ASP.NET Identity framework instead (
I use npgsql, and have adjust all the references to point at a postgressql database.
For those of us targeting deployment to the cloud employing non-microsoft database platforms, this results in errors getting thrown from the SimpleMembershipProvider (ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near "[").
A cursory scan of the aspnetwebstack solution file indicates that this is the only place where such sql injection mitigation techniques are employed.
As this feature is embedded so deeply into my MVC4 / VS2012 implementation, it would be ideal if a more database agnostic implementation was provided.
Comments: Please use the new ASP.NET Identity framework instead (