Nuget is unable to restore packages if the working path has spaces in it, because the build script does not pass a quoted path for the config file.
For example, 'Nuget.exe [...] -configfile \\path to source\\.nuget\nuget.config ' should be 'Nuget.exe [...] -configfile "\\path to source\\.nuget\nuget.config" '
I've attached my msbuild.log showing this error.
Comments: This is an issue in where param to configfile should be specified in quotes. <Target Name="RestorePackages" DependsOnTargets="DownloadNuGet"> <Message Text="Restoring NuGet packages..." Importance="High" /> <Exec Command='"$(NuGetExe)" restore "%(SolutionsToBuild.Identity)" -PackagesDirectory packages -NonInteractive -Verbosity quiet -ConfigFile $(MsBuildThisFileDirectory)\.nuget\NuGet.Config' /> <!-- Pick the right Microsoft.Web.FxCop package to use and copy it to a standard location. --> </Target>
For example, 'Nuget.exe [...] -configfile \\path to source\\.nuget\nuget.config ' should be 'Nuget.exe [...] -configfile "\\path to source\\.nuget\nuget.config" '
I've attached my msbuild.log showing this error.
Comments: This is an issue in where param to configfile should be specified in quotes. <Target Name="RestorePackages" DependsOnTargets="DownloadNuGet"> <Message Text="Restoring NuGet packages..." Importance="High" /> <Exec Command='"$(NuGetExe)" restore "%(SolutionsToBuild.Identity)" -PackagesDirectory packages -NonInteractive -Verbosity quiet -ConfigFile $(MsBuildThisFileDirectory)\.nuget\NuGet.Config' /> <!-- Pick the right Microsoft.Web.FxCop package to use and copy it to a standard location. --> </Target>