User likes to customise/localise the error message for the Data Annotations CompareAttribute in a view model.
When the Data Annotations Compare attribute (System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.CompareAttribute) is used with custom error messages, the custom error messages are never shown, instead the default error message is always shown.
Example model:
private class ExampleModelWithCustomErrorMessage
[Compare("OtherProperty", ErrorMessage = "Custom error message")]
public string MyProperty { get; set; }
public string OtherProperty { get; set; }
same issue with error message from a resource, i.e.
private class ExampleModelWithCustomErrorMessageFromResource
[Compare("OtherProperty", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resource.Resource), ErrorMessageResourceName = "ResourceKey"))]
public string MyProperty { get; set; }
public string OtherProperty { get; set; }
The above examples will both print the default error message _'MyProperty' does not match 'OtherProperty'_.
CompareAttributeWrapper in CompareAttributeAdapter does not copy over the custom error message properties when creating a new, wrapped CompareAttribute.
New unit test in CompareAttributeAdapterTest.cs:
public void ClientRulesWithCompareAttribute_ErrorMessageCanBeCustomised()
// Arrange
const string expectedErrorMessage = "Computer says no";
var metadata = ModelMetadataProviders.Current.GetMetadataForProperty(() => null, typeof(PropertyNameModel), "MyProperty");
var context = new ControllerContext();
var attribute = new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.CompareAttribute("OtherProperty")
ErrorMessage = expectedErrorMessage
var adapter = new CompareAttributeAdapter(metadata, context, attribute);
// Act
var rules = adapter.GetClientValidationRules()
.OrderBy(r => r.ValidationType)
// Assert
ModelClientValidationRule rule = Assert.Single(rules);
Assert.Equal(expectedErrorMessage, rule.ErrorMessage);
Here is also an attempt at fixing the issue (CompareAttributeAdapter.cs:37)
public CompareAttributeWrapper(DataAnnotationsCompareAttribute attribute, ModelMetadata metadata)
: base(attribute.OtherProperty)
ErrorMessage = attribute.ErrorMessage;
ErrorMessageResourceType = attribute.ErrorMessageResourceType;
ErrorMessageResourceName = attribute.ErrorMessageResourceName;
_otherPropertyDisplayName = attribute.OtherPropertyDisplayName;
if (_otherPropertyDisplayName == null && metadata.ContainerType != null)
_otherPropertyDisplayName = ModelMetadataProviders.Current.GetMetadataForProperty(() => metadata.Model, metadata.ContainerType, attribute.OtherProperty).GetDisplayName();