MediaTypeFormatterCollection has properties for JsonMediaTypeFormatter, XmlMediatypeformatter and FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter too. Since we added support for BsonMediaTypeFormatter, we should add it to this class too.
Comments: Suggest this bug should not be fixed in 5.1. Adding the BSON formatter to the `MediaTypeFormatterCollection` will change the behavior of existing WebAPI services, breaking back-compatibility. We can do this in a more major release, where BSON support won't be a surprise. Workaround is to configure a new `BsonMediaTypeFormatter` instance and add it to the default `Formatters` collection.
Comments: Suggest this bug should not be fixed in 5.1. Adding the BSON formatter to the `MediaTypeFormatterCollection` will change the behavior of existing WebAPI services, breaking back-compatibility. We can do this in a more major release, where BSON support won't be a surprise. Workaround is to configure a new `BsonMediaTypeFormatter` instance and add it to the default `Formatters` collection.