In webhost, for the following setup when I am explicitly setting the chunked encoding to true, i do not see the response being sent as chunked.
public HttpResponseMessage Get(bool sendResponseAsChunked)
HttpResponseMessage resp = Request.CreateResponse<string>("Hello World!");
resp.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked = sendResponseAsChunked;
return resp;
_Notes_: This is not a high priority scenario, but since we recently made changes to honor a user's setting, i am filing this issue just as an fyi
Comments: Verified.
public HttpResponseMessage Get(bool sendResponseAsChunked)
HttpResponseMessage resp = Request.CreateResponse<string>("Hello World!");
resp.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked = sendResponseAsChunked;
return resp;
_Notes_: This is not a high priority scenario, but since we recently made changes to honor a user's setting, i am filing this issue just as an fyi
Comments: Verified.