Currently some of TAP-based methods in the aspnetwebstack libraries does not have overloads with _CancellationToken_ parameter. For instance following classes:
_System.Net.Http_: HttpContent and successors.
HttpContent: ReadAsStringAsync, ReadAsByteArrayAsync, ReadAsStreamAsync, etc.
_System.Net.Http.Formatting_: HttpContent extensions.
HttpContentMessageExtensions: ReadAsHttpRequestMessageAsync
HttpContentMultipartExtensions: ReadAsMultipartAsync
HttpContentFormDataExtensions: ReadAsFormDataAsync
HttpContentMessageExtensions: ReadAsHttpRequestMessageAsync
MultipartStreamProvider: ExecutePostProcessingAsync
_System.Net.Http.Formatting_: MediaTypeFormatter and successors.
MediaTypeFormatter: ReadFromStreamAsync, WriteToStreamAsync
_System.Web.Http_: Model binder which breaks cancellable pipeline.
FormatterParameterBinding: ReadContentAsync
Methods of above classes potentially may be executed for a long time period. In addition if we're trying to create custom _MediaTypeFormatter_ we unable to cancel _ReadFromStreamAsync_ and _WriteToStreamAsync_ methods.
I suppose that it will be great if such methods will contain an overloads with a _CancellationToken_ parameter, which should be properly integrated into Web API message processing pipeline.
Code sample how it can be refactored:
P.S. Discussions looks dead - no answers for over 2 weeks:
Comments: [Fixed](
_System.Net.Http_: HttpContent and successors.
HttpContent: ReadAsStringAsync, ReadAsByteArrayAsync, ReadAsStreamAsync, etc.
_System.Net.Http.Formatting_: HttpContent extensions.
HttpContentMessageExtensions: ReadAsHttpRequestMessageAsync
HttpContentMultipartExtensions: ReadAsMultipartAsync
HttpContentFormDataExtensions: ReadAsFormDataAsync
HttpContentMessageExtensions: ReadAsHttpRequestMessageAsync
MultipartStreamProvider: ExecutePostProcessingAsync
_System.Net.Http.Formatting_: MediaTypeFormatter and successors.
MediaTypeFormatter: ReadFromStreamAsync, WriteToStreamAsync
_System.Web.Http_: Model binder which breaks cancellable pipeline.
FormatterParameterBinding: ReadContentAsync
Methods of above classes potentially may be executed for a long time period. In addition if we're trying to create custom _MediaTypeFormatter_ we unable to cancel _ReadFromStreamAsync_ and _WriteToStreamAsync_ methods.
I suppose that it will be great if such methods will contain an overloads with a _CancellationToken_ parameter, which should be properly integrated into Web API message processing pipeline.
Code sample how it can be refactored:
P.S. Discussions looks dead - no answers for over 2 weeks:
Comments: [Fixed](