Comments: @Maxtoroq Thanks for opening the bug. We'd like to ask you in the future to include a full description of the bug, so however reads the bug gets a full context without chasing links down. In short the answer for this is that MVC does not support automatically overriding JQuery validation message, or suppressing the validation. However you can relatively easily localize the JQuery validation. Here is just one example of how to do that: [How to change jquery validation text directly]( ) [Jquery validation localization plug in]( ** Warning - I have not tested these myself
Comments: @Maxtoroq Thanks for opening the bug. We'd like to ask you in the future to include a full description of the bug, so however reads the bug gets a full context without chasing links down. In short the answer for this is that MVC does not support automatically overriding JQuery validation message, or suppressing the validation. However you can relatively easily localize the JQuery validation. Here is just one example of how to do that: [How to change jquery validation text directly]( ) [Jquery validation localization plug in]( ** Warning - I have not tested these myself