Just like with actions, please add support for OData Functions. These are easy to implement with WebApi but it is very difficult to advertise the functions in the metadata since webapi odata currently does not support them.
Comments: Seems that the OData documentation pages have changed recently, here's the updated url... [http://www.odata.org/documentation/odata-v3-documentation/odata-core/#1042_Functions](http://www.odata.org/documentation/odata-v3-documentation/odata-core/#1042_Functions). Also, while, from my experience, with WebAPI's OData implementing Function support for something simple like GET http://server/Sales.GetEmployeesByManager(ManagerID=3) would be pretty straight forward, supporting Functions in the request's url query options such as GET http://server/Customers?$filter=Sales.GetSalesRegion(City=$it/City) eq "Western" would not be as straightforward.
Comments: Seems that the OData documentation pages have changed recently, here's the updated url... [http://www.odata.org/documentation/odata-v3-documentation/odata-core/#1042_Functions](http://www.odata.org/documentation/odata-v3-documentation/odata-core/#1042_Functions). Also, while, from my experience, with WebAPI's OData implementing Function support for something simple like GET http://server/Sales.GetEmployeesByManager(ManagerID=3) would be pretty straight forward, supporting Functions in the request's url query options such as GET http://server/Customers?$filter=Sales.GetSalesRegion(City=$it/City) eq "Western" would not be as straightforward.