Today if one tries to add a custom service to the configuration.Services bag, it will throw exception saying that it does not support unknown services.
We should open this up so that people don't have to use configuration.Property bag to store those config wide settings. Also, because we will use DI first, custom service type will get the benefit.
Comments: IMHO, this would create confusion. The idea (which is the current impl.) that Brad Wilson explained in the following issue makes more sense to me: [Separate service location from dependency injection]( Quote: > Service location will live in a new property, HttpConfiguration.Services, which is not user pluggable. This service list will be populated with the known default services present in the application, and the application developer can add and remove services from this list. These services are considered to be "global" to the configuration, and the single instance of these services is shared across all requests. Only known service types will be gettable or settable in the service locator.
We should open this up so that people don't have to use configuration.Property bag to store those config wide settings. Also, because we will use DI first, custom service type will get the benefit.
Comments: IMHO, this would create confusion. The idea (which is the current impl.) that Brad Wilson explained in the following issue makes more sense to me: [Separate service location from dependency injection]( Quote: > Service location will live in a new property, HttpConfiguration.Services, which is not user pluggable. This service list will be populated with the known default services present in the application, and the application developer can add and remove services from this list. These services are considered to be "global" to the configuration, and the single instance of these services is shared across all requests. Only known service types will be gettable or settable in the service locator.