When using "Keep tabs" instead of the default "Insert spaces", and running "Fomat document" (CTRL-E, CTRL-D) on in a .cshtml file with razor code any ifs inside other markup gets "mangled". I've attached a screenshot with a comparison of space and tab formatting.
In Visual Studio 2012 (I'm using premium), create a new ASP.NET MVC 4 project (using the default web site template).
Open "Tools"->"Options"->"Text Editor"->"All Languages"->"Tabs" and set "Keep tabs" instead of "Insert spaces".
Open any view (.cshtml) and insert:
@if(true) {
Run format document (CTRL-E, CTRL-D).
Comments: This issue has existed for more than two years now. How hard can it be to fix this really? Apparently very hard. One of the team members, on StackOverflow: > It does not work correctly in all cases because it's a difficult problem to solve. ``` <div> @if (true) { <div> <div> @if (true) { } </div> </div> } </div> ``` Now look closely. The first @if is indented with one tab. With how many spaces is the { indented? One space. The second @if is indented with three tabs. With how many spaces is the { indented? Three spaces. I'm beginning to think you guys secretly hate tabs, and decided you wanted to end the "tabs vs spaces" holy war.
In Visual Studio 2012 (I'm using premium), create a new ASP.NET MVC 4 project (using the default web site template).
Open "Tools"->"Options"->"Text Editor"->"All Languages"->"Tabs" and set "Keep tabs" instead of "Insert spaces".
Open any view (.cshtml) and insert:
@if(true) {
Run format document (CTRL-E, CTRL-D).
Comments: This issue has existed for more than two years now. How hard can it be to fix this really? Apparently very hard. One of the team members, on StackOverflow: > It does not work correctly in all cases because it's a difficult problem to solve. ``` <div> @if (true) { <div> <div> @if (true) { } </div> </div> } </div> ``` Now look closely. The first @if is indented with one tab. With how many spaces is the { indented? One space. The second @if is indented with three tabs. With how many spaces is the { indented? Three spaces. I'm beginning to think you guys secretly hate tabs, and decided you wanted to end the "tabs vs spaces" holy war.